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How can the Northeast expand capacity with so little land?
With the Trump administration rolling back environmental regulations, the task of developing renewable energy projects over the next four years has largely fallen to states. While many reports have focused on efforts in California, a new paper highlights how states in the Northeast can boost their renewable generation capacity.
Northeast needs more land for wind, solar to flourish – study
Clean energy goals in more than a half-dozen Northeastern states may flounder unless regulators, elected officials and developers do more to mollify political opposition and build rural public support for wind and solar farms, a new analysis has found.
Donald Trump Signs Order To Undo Obama’s Legacy On Climate Change
President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Tuesday rolling back Obama-era policies to curb planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions. The order, called the “Energy Independence Executive Order,” begins a review of former President Barack Obama’s signature program to deal with climate change, the Clean Power Plan, which limited greenhouse gas emissions from power plants.
The Fallout From Trump’s Review of Climate Rules: Uncertainty for Some, Opportunity for Others
As expected, President Trump issued an executive order today to dismantle the Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan — a policy designed to curb carbon emissions from new and existing power plants by accelerating the adoption of lower-polluting energy resources.
Trump’s Executive Order Threatens to Wreck Earth as a Livable Planet for Humans
Decades of progress on cleaning up our dirty air took a significant hit on Tuesday, along with hopes for a livable future climate, when President Trump issued his Energy Independence Executive Order. Most seriously, the order attacks the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Clean Power Plan, which requires a 32 percent reduction in CO2 emissions from existing power plants by 2030 (compared to 2005 emission rates.)
Trump Is a Chinese Agent
The big story everyone is chasing is whether President Trump is a Russian stooge. Wrong. That’s all a smoke screen. Trump is actually a Chinese agent. He is clearly out to make China great again. Just look at the facts.
Update: Trump prepares executive order to upend key Obama climate policies
President Trump campaigned on rolling back restrictions on energy production and revitalizing the coal industry, but in the two months since his inauguration, other issues have taken priority. But now Trump is preparing to follow through on his promises to rewrite the Clean Power Plan and erase requirements that federal officials factor in the impacts of climate change in their decisions.
California is shattering solar records. This bill could take renewable energy to the next level.
With the costs of solar continuing to fall, and wind still one of the cheapest sources of new electricity around, California should have no problem hitting its 50 percent clean energy target by 2030. But getting to 100 percent — the goal floated by Senate leader Kevin de León in a bill last month — would be more complicated.
Carbon market slump could last for a while — report
A new analysis of California’s carbon market finds that low demand could continue for the next year and a half, but eventually rebound to the tune of $8 billion through 2020. Based on state data on supply and demand, Chris Busch of advisory firm Energy Innovation said last week that revenues might stay well below their full potential through mid-2018, then rise to 70 to 80 percent through 2020, when the cap ratchets down further.
California Waiver Trumps EPA Dirty Fuel Rule
California, the world’s sixth-largest economy — literally the engine that drives the US economy — also determines the fuel economy of the nation, via the California Waiver, a special deal with the EPA, dating back to the 1970s. Even rolling back the 54.5 mpg requirement is not going to have as much impact, because there is the California Waiver.