Press Archives
As Quoted
How The New Climate Bill Would Reduce Emissions
EI research finds the climate benefits of the Inflation Reduction Act far outweigh any new fossil fuel impacts the bill may have.
Biden’s Emissions Pledge ‘Doable’ With Climate Deal
EI’s Anand Gopal explains the emissions cuts from the Inflation Reduction Act will put the U.S. within shouting distance of its Paris Agreement targets.
The Inflation Reduction Act Will Reduce Emissions Too
EI research finds the Inflation Reduction Act will cut 24 tons of greenhouse gas emissions for every one ton resulting from the bill’s fossil fuel provisions.
Here’s How Much Congress’s Historic Climate Bill Would Actually Cut Emissions
EI research finds the Inflation Reduction Act would cut U.S. greenhouse gas emissions 37-41 percent by 2030.
Climate Change Bill Would Cut U.S. Air Pollution Deaths By Up To 3,900 Per Year, Study Finds
EI’s Anand Gopal explains the Inflation Reduction Act’s climate policies would also cut air pollution and avoid 3,900 premature deaths per year by 2030.
Surprise Climate Bill Will Meet Goal of 40% Cut In U.S. Emissions, Energy Models Predict
EI research finds the Inflation Reduction Act would cut U.S. emissions enough to put us back on track to meet the country’s Paris Agreement goals.
Democrats’ Side Deal With Manchin Would Speed Up Projects, West Virginia Gas
EI research finds the Inflation Reduction Act’s greenhouse gas emission cuts would dwarf any new emissions resulting from the bill’s oil and gas provisions.
Analysis: Deal’s CO2 Cuts Swamp Fossil Fuel Emissions
EI analysis finds the policies in the proposed Inflation Reduction Act would cut 24 tons of greenhouse gas emissions for every one ton resulting from oil and gas leasing provisions in the bill.
How Manchin-Schumer Would Change Energy, From Oil to Solar
EI’s Dan Esposito explains the proposed Inflation Reduction Act contains several provisions that would help grow green hydrogen and hydrogen produced using carbon capture and storage.
Politicians Call For ‘Blue Hydrogen Power.’ But Just How Green Is It?
EI’s Greg Alvarez explains hydrogen produced using wind and solar– or green hydrogen– is the only way to use hydrogen that would significantly cut greenhouse gas emissions.