Press Archives
As Quoted
Trump Administration To Drop Its Emergency Coal, Nuclear Bailout Plan
EI’s Robbie Orvis is quoted in an article discussing the Trump Administration shelving its coal and nuclear bailout proposal.
Business models: What Utilities Can Learn From Amazon And Netflix About The Future Of Ratemaking
EI’s Sonia Aggarwal is quoted in an article discussing what companies like Amazon and Netflix can teach utilities about future business model regulations.
Grid Mod: Transactive And Distributed Tech Demand A New Approach
EI’s Sonia Aggarwal is quoted in an article discussing what grid modernization trends and technologies mean for utilities and their regulators.
Up All Night with Rhod Sharp
EI’s Hal Harvey discusses the IPCC climate change report and climate policies that can slow global warming on BBC radio, starting at the show’s 1:34 mark.
Finding (Politically Viable) Climate Solutions As The Stakes Rise
EI’s Sonia Aggarwal outlines climate solutions to reduce emissions and slow global warming despite political gridlock in Congress and across the U.S.
Climate Solutions With Hal Harvey
EI’s Hal Harvey outlines what the new UN climate change report means for California and how to slow climate change through policy solutions.
Money Well Spent 2nd Edition Forum: Paul Brest And Hal Harvey Respond
EI’s Hal Harvey responds to various editorials discussing Money Well Spent, his new book exploring approaches to strategic philanthropy.
Trump’s DOE Claims To Protect The Grid; It’s Really Protecting Coal And Nuclear
EI’s research on the economic costs of a Trump Administration subsidy to bail out uneconomic coal and nuclear plants is cited in an editorial opposing the proposal.
A Clean Power Plan
EI’s Hal Harvey is quoted in an editorial opposing the Trump Administration’s Clean Power Plan rollback.
Shifting Debates: Awards Spotlight Environmental Research With Impact
EI’s Hal Harvey is mentioned in an article discussing the impacts of environmental research by recent Heinz Award winners.