Press Archives
As Quoted
Coal Fading From America’s Economic Radar Despite White House Push
EI’s coal cost crossover research is featured in an article discussing coal’s increasingly poor economic outlook despite Trump support.
The Illinois “Coal To Solar And Energy Storage Act” Is Real
EI’s coal cost crossover research is mentioned in an article discussing Illinois legislation to convert at-risk coal plants into solar-plus-storage.
Can This Online Startup Change How Companies Buy Renewable Power?
EI’s Eric Gimon is quoted in an article discussing how an online marketplace could change how corporations buy renewable power.
Goodbye To Arguments Against Renewables. New Studies Find Them As Reliable And Cheap As Fossils
EI’s coal cost crossover research is featured in an article discussing how cheap renewables can replace coal without sacrificing reliability.
Solar And Wind Energy Are Now Cheaper than Coal
EI’s coal cost crossover report is featured in an article discussing the changing economics of coal compared to renewable energy.
The Week In Energy: Predicting The Power Shift
EI’s coal cost crossover report is featured in an article discussing the future of energy supplies from clean energy compared to fossil fuels.
Midwest Renewables Surge Forward: But Where Is Ohio?
EI’s coal cost crossover research is included in an article discussing how Ohio policymakers are missing out by not adopting renewables.
New Wind And Solar Power Costs Less Than Keeping Old Coal Running
EI’s coal cost crossover research is featured in an article discussing how wind and solar costs have fallen below coal plants.
Solar And Wind Are Now Cheaper Than Most Of America’s Coal
EI’s coal cost crossover research is featured in an article discussing how fast-falling solar and wind prices are pushing coal offline.
Solar Vs. Coal: Why The “74% Report” Signals A New Era For US Energy
EI’s coal cost crossover research is featured in an article discussing the future of US electricity sector economics.