Press Archives
As Quoted
Electrifying All New Vehicles Sales by 2035 Can Be Done, Would Save U.S. Consumers $2.7 Trillion by 2050, Report Finds
EI’s policy report explains why strong federal fuel economy standards, state-level zero-emission vehicle standards, financial incentives, and labor standards to buy domestic manufacturing are necessary to achieve all-electric vehicle sales by 2035.
Every New Car And Truck In The U.S. Can Be Electric By 2035
EI’s Sara Baldwin says the transition from fossil-fuel-powered cars and trucks to electric vehicles is already underway, but the U.S. needs increased policy ambition to truly accelerate market transformation, sustain and create good-paying jobs, and aid in the country’s economic recovery.
Biden Under Pressure To Set Tough Emissions Target
EI research finds a 50 percent reduction in emissions by 2030 is feasible if the electricity sector were to rapidly shift away from coal and natural gas, and toward renewable energy, along with a rapid scaling up of electric vehicle use.
Groups Launch Push To Speed Reliable, Decarbonized Power Market Designs
EI’s Eric Gimon says power markets must evolve to support continued decarbonization and achieve a sustainable end-state clean power system.
Gas Heat And Stoves Are Warming The Climate. Should Cities Start Banning Them?
EI’s Sara Baldwin says ending the use of fossil fuels in all new construction as soon as possible is critical to meeting climate targets.
Here’s How Joe Biden Can Decarbonise US Buildings
EI’s Bruce Nilles says the 350,000 federal government buildings are perfect for showcasing the pollution and financial savings associated with making them all-electric.
The Biden Boom
EI’s Hal Harvey says government buying power can make new technologies more cost-effective, and the private sector, spurred by ever-stronger performance standards can then make them ubiquitous.
Warren Buffett’s Firm Is Proposing An $8 Billion Boondoggle To Prevent The Next Texas Blackout
EI’s Eric Gimon says investing in winterization of wind and solar and home insulation could prevent the next Texas electricity grid crisis, and would be a more efficient and effective way investment that Buffett’s proposed new gas.
Here’s What Biden Could Include In His Paris Climate Pledge
EI’s Robbie Orvis says retiring all coal and achieving 80 percent clean electricity by 2030 is key to halving emissions this decade and must be part of a new U.S. Nationally Determined Contribution.
A Net-Zero Strategy For Biden To Lead The US On Climate Action
EI’s Robbie Orvis explains how a set of smart climate policies in line with a global 1.5°C target can reestablish the United States as a global climate leader and create millions of new jobs along the way.