Coal Spiral Deepens With 13 Plant Closures Announced In 2020

EI’s Mike O’Boyle says early coal plant closures show how the electricity system can reliably operate without fossil fuel resources.

Decarbonizing Global Industry, With Jeffrey Rissman

EI’s Jeffrey Rissman discusses strategies, technologies, and policies for decarbonizing global industry in a Resources for the Future podcast.

3 Lessons COVID-19 Is Teaching Us About Emissions Reductions

EI’s Megan Mahajan says there’s no silver bullet when it comes to decarbonization policy in an article about emission reductions due to COVID-19.

Renewables Dethrone King Coal

EI’s Mike O’Boyle explains why renewables are providing an ever greater share of electricity compared to coal due to declining costs.

The Day Global CO2 Broke Record Lows: April 7

EI’s Megan Mahajan says green stimulus efforts are needed to prevent global CO2 levels from returning to pre-COVID levels, despite this year’s plunge.

As Utilities Tackle Immediate COVID-19 Impacts, Analysts Stress Need To Focus Beyond The Pandemic

EI’s Eric Gimon discusses how COVID-19 impacts could affect utility load patterns and how they should look to the future for pandemic recovery efforts.

In Ohio’s Coal Country, Pandemic Pushes Unemployment Rate From Bad To Worse

EI’s Coal Cost Crossover report is cited in an article discussing how COVID has slowed the economy in Ohio’s coal country.

There’s A Lot Less Pollution But Climate Change Is Still Getting Worse

EI’s Megan Mahajan says continued reliance on fossil fuels means pollution will rebound after the COVID pandemic unless policymakers start a green recovery.

One Big Thing: Pandemic Shatters The Crystal Ball

EI’s Megan Mahajan explains how the COVID pandemic has made short-term energy policy modeling more difficult, but why long-term energy policy modeling should remain accurate.

The Post-Coronavirus Emissions Bounce Back

EI’s Megan Mahajan says the coronavirus emissions reduction provides an opportunity to accelerate decarbonization through policy and green stimulus.