This is part two of a three part series that details the Energy Policy Simulator (EPS). In this video, our team walks through each of the main sectors of the EPS – industry, buildings, electricity, and transportation – and discusses the input data and methodology used for calculating policy impacts.
Presentations and Videos
Intro to the Energy Policy Simulator, conducting analysis with Vensim Model Reader/DSS
This is part one of a three part series that details the Energy Policy Simulator (EPS). In this video, our team introduces the EPS, walks through how to use the webtool, and jumps into Vensim to demonstrate how to conduct policy analysis using the EPS.
U.S. Department Of Energy Industrial Decarbonization Roundtable
EI’s Robbie Orvis joins U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm and White House National Climate Advisor Gina McCarthy at a roundtable to discuss pathways to reduce emissions across our nation’s most energy-intensive sectors and position the United States as a global leader in manufacturing innovation and decarbonization technologies.
EV Hub Live Episode #19: Breaking Down the IRA
EI’s Robbie Orvis is featured on an episode of EV Hub Live, hosted by Atlas Public Policy, discussing electric vehicle provisions in the recently released draft of the Inflation Reduction Act.
The Future of Clean Energy
EI’s Robbie Orvis speaks on a panel on clean energy at the Local Journalists Workshop, hosted by the Council on Foreign Relations, and he explains what governments can do to encourage clean energy technologies.
Road Map to Net Zero (Deep Dive)
EI’s CEO Hal Harvey joins Kleiner Perkins Chairman John Doerr at the Aspen Ideas Festival to explain how a series of government, industry, and community actions can get the world to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions and also share stories of people who are making those changes a reality.
Reaffirming California’s Climate Leadership: Insights From The Energy Policy Simulator
This webinar outlines new research from Energy Innovation showing faster electrification, more clean energy, and a handful of other smart policies can get the California’s decarbonization efforts back on track while adding billions to its economy, creating tens of thousands of jobs, and improve public health.
Achieving An Equitable And Reliable 85 Percent Clean Electricity System By 2030 In California Webinar
This webinar discusses research showing California can reach 85 percent clean electricity by 2030 – using today’s technologies – without impacting reliability. EI analysts recommend policy actions to mitigate risks from deploying resources too slowly and reduce air pollution impacts of legacy natural gas power plants, while expanding resource diversity and regional coordination to improve reliability.
Electrification And Decarbonization Solutions For Industry Workshop
EI’s Jeff Rissman joined fellow panelists to discuss key challenges and opportunities for electrifying industry at a Stanford Strategic Energy Alliance workshop “Electrification and Decarbonization Solutions for Industry.”
Assessing Hydrogen Proposals: Considerations For Utility Regulators And Policymakers
In this webinar, EI analysts explain research showing blending hydrogen with natural gas for use in power plants or buildings could increase consumer costs, exacerbate air pollution, and pose safety risks, while minimally reducing greenhouse gas emissions.