A 25-Cent Hike In The Federal Gas Tax Is A Rotten Idea For Florida
Analysis of revenue from a potential federal gas tax hike by EI’s Robbie Orvis is quoted in an article analyzing the impact of this policy on Florida.
Four Policies Can Reduce U.S. Transport Emissions 45%, Cut Oil Use 23%, Save 5,300 Lives Per Year
Electric vehicles could dramatically reduce U.S. transportation emissions, but they are not the only option. Four other policies can combine to reduce U.S. transportation emissions 45%, cut oil use 23%, and save 5,300 lives per year by 2050 compared to business-as-usual
Banner Quarter For Cap-And-Trade Program, After Lawmakers Extend It
Analysis by EI’s Chris Busch is featured in a Capitol Public Radio story about California’s record high 3rd quarter 2017 cap-and-trade auction results.