Designing Climate Solutions

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EI’s Robbie Orvis outlines the policies that can put us on the path to a low-carbon future through “four zeros” in power, transportation, buildings, and industry in an Elders for Climate Action webinar.

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Solving the Climate Crisis: Drawing Down Carbon and Building Up the American Economy

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EI’s Hal Harvey testifies to Congress on climate policy to solve the climate crisis by reducing carbon pollution to net-zero while creating economic growth.

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Policy Solutions For A “Four Zeros” Climate Solution

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EI’s Hal Harvey outlines the policies to put us on the path to a low-carbon future through “four zeros” in power, transportation, buildings, and industry at a Stanford University speech

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Getting To Zero On Climate Change

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EI’s Hal Harvey outlines his “Four Zero” approach to preventing dangerous climate change in four primary energy sectors of the economy at a Harvard University speech.

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Renewables + Storage = Cheaper than Coal

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EI’s Sonia Aggarwal says fast-falling renewable energy and storage costs make them cheaper than coal and a potential backbone of energy systems.

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Practical Policy Plans for Solving Climate Change Now

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EI’s Hal Harvey outlines the imperative to reduce emissions and confront climate change, and how the power sector can help meet this challenge.

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The Impacts Of Global Warming And The Importance Of “Designing Climate Solutions”

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EI’s Hal Harvey discusses policy solutions to reduce the impacts of global warming in an interview about his new book Designing Climate Solutions

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A Zero-Carbon Grid Is Well Within Reach

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EI’s Hal Harvey outlines several ways to deal with renewable energy intermittency and help create a zero-carbon grid sooner than expected.

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Six Key Ways To Improve Vehicle Efficiency Without Compromising Function

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EI’s Hal Harvey discusses six ways policymakers can improve vehicle efficiency without harming engine functionality or performance.

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The Energy Policy Simulator, Part 4: Input Data And Adapting The EPS To New Regions

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This video explains how the Energy Policy Simulator’s input data is structured and the steps involved in adapting the simulator to a new country or region. It also walks through the process of creating a custom policy implementation schedule and associating that schedule with a policy scenario.

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