How Clean Energy Kept California’s Lights On During A Historically Extreme Heat Wave

EI’s Silvio Marcacci explains that California was able to withstand recent challenges to its grid from extreme heat by growing renewable energy, battery storage, and demand response.

Climate Change Is A Big Problem. Citizens Must Demand Many Small Solutions

EI CEO Hal Harvey explains tightening building codes so that the places we live and work consume less energy is a key climate solution people can tackle at the local level.

How Wright’s Law Can Right the Climate

EI’s Anand Gopal says Inflation Reduction Act incentives will cut costs for clean energy technology around the world, empowering developing nations to leapfrog fossil fuels.

Inflation Reduction Act Benefits: Electric Vehicle Tax Incentives For Consumers And U.S. Automakers

EI’s Sara Baldwin explains the Inflation Reduction Act’s electric vehicle tax incentives will create jobs, save consumers money, and cut air pollution.

A Big Payoff From U.S.-China Climate Coordination

EI’s Mike O’Boyle explains China and the U.S. can cut carbon emissions faster if they work together, and both countries can reach an 80 percent clean grid by 2035.

Electrification: The Nexus Of Individual And Policy Action

EI’s Hadley Tallackson explains consumers decisions to electrify their homes can have big climate benefits, and there are a suite of federal and state policies to help them make the switch.

How States And Utilities Can Capitalize On The Biggest Clean Energy Legislation In U.S. History

EI’s Dan Esposito and Kimani Jeffrey explain the tax credits in the Inflation Reduction Act make clean energy even more affordable, which will help states and utilities reach clean energy goals.

Inflation Reduction Act Benefits: Millions Of Efficient Electrified Buildings

EI’s Sara Baldwin and Hadley Tallackson detail how billions in Inflation Reduction Act incentives will fund millions of efficient electrified buildings across the U.S.

The Way to Slow Climate Change Is as Close as Your City Hall or School Board

EI’s Hal Harvey writes that citizen action in local government venues could help bridge the gap between the Inflation Reduction Act and the U.S. NDC pledge.

Inflation Reduction Act benefits: Billions in just transition funding for coal communities

EI’s Michelle Solomon and Mike O’Boyle outline potential Inflation Reduction Act just transition benefits for coal communities across the U.S.