Accelerating Electrified Transportation By 2035

New research shows not only is it technologically feasible to electrify every new car and truck sold in the U.S. by 2035, but it would also save consumers $2.7 trillion, would support more than 2 million jobs in 2035, and prevent 150,000 premature deaths and avoid $1.3 trillion in environmental and health costs through 2050. This research is an important follow-up to the landmark 2035 Report and shows a 90 percent clean electricity grid can cost-effectively and reliably support 100 percent electric vehicle sales by 2035.

2035 Report 2.0: Plummeting Costs and Dramatic Improvements in Batteries Can Accelerate our Clean Transportation Future

New research analyzing the latest electric vehicle battery and infrastructure costs finds not only is it technologically feasible to electrify every new car and truck sold in the U.S. by 2035, but it would also save consumers $2.7 trillion and create more than 2 million jobs in 2035.

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Accelerating Clean, Electrified Transportation by 2035: Policy Priorities

This companion report outlines the near- mid- and long-term actions that the federal government, states, local governments, and utilities should take to accelerate the transportation sector’s transition away from fossil fuels within the decade and overcome the most common barriers to transportation electrification. An executive summary outlines all of the policy recommendations.

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Accelerating Clean, Electrified Transportation By 2035: Online Data Explorer

This dynamic online data explorer supports the 2035 2.0 research by allowing anyone to explore how an all-electric sales standard impacts vehicle cost, sales, and stock over time, as well as associated job creation and reductions in carbon emissions. Users can also explore impacts on the power sector, including changes in the generation mix by grid region and in wholesale electricity costs.

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