Plummeting Wind, Solar, And Battery Costs Now Enable An 80% Clean Electricity System By 2030

EI’s Dan Esposito and Mike O’Boyle explain why an 80 percent by 2030 clean electricity standard would stimulate $1.5 trillion in new investment broadly distributed across every region of the United States, while dramatically improving air quality and public health, and without raising electricity rates or compromising reliability.

The Texas Big Freeze: Holistic Policy Design For A Clean And Resilient Grid

In the third in a three-part series, EI’s Dan Esposito and Eric Gimon outline lessons learned from the Texas Big Freeze, and policy prescriptions for regulators and government officials across the U.S. to prepare for extreme weather-related grid disasters.

The Texas Big Freeze: How Much Were Markets To Blame For Widespread Outages?

In the second in a three-part series, EI’s Dan Esposito and Eric Gimon explain how ERCOT market design and operation failed to prepare for the Texas Big Freeze and exacerbated the crisis when it hit.

The Texas Big Freeze: How A Changing Climate Pushed The State’s Power Grid To The Brink

In the first in a three-part series, EI’s Dan Esposito and Eric Gimon explain why natural gas failures, poor planning, and lack of demand management were primary causes of the Texas Big Freeze and why durable solutions must look beyond fossil fuels.

Colorado’s Untapped $7.5 Billion Economic Opportunity: Ambitious Climate Policy

EI modeling with RMI shows ambitious decarbonization of Colorado’s electricity, transportation, industry, building, and land-use sectors can help limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius while adding more than 20,000 new jobs and $3.5 billion in economic activity per year by 2030.

The US Coal Fleet Is Running Out Of Time And Money. What Comes Next?

EI analysts outline how worsening economics have made running 80% of the U.S. coal fleet uneconomic compared to replacement with new local renewables, and how policymakers can plan for the transition.

All-Electric Car And Truck Sales By 2035 Would Save $2.7 Trillion, But Will Take Smart Policy To Drive Clean

EI’s Amanda Myers says without strong policy to reach 100 percent EV sales and 90 percent clean electricity targets, like strong national fuel economy and tailpipe emissions standards, Americans will forgo the significant benefits of vehicle electrification and miss the chance to steer towards a better future.

US Building Codes Need A Major Retrofit To Meet Climate Goals And Spare Consumers

EI’s Sara Baldwin says updates to building codes and processes to better support electrification are urgently needed and would cut emissions from the buildings sector, avoid dangerous climate change, and improve health and equity.

How Corporations Can Jump-Start Industrial Electrification In The US

EI’s Sara Baldwin explains why focusing on electrification in just thirteen top industries could deliver deep emissions reductions, and how smart policies can jumpstart low-carbon technology adoption and reduce electric costs.

Cheap Batteries Could Soon Make Electric Freight Trucks 50% Cheaper To Own Than Diesel

EI’s Silvio Marcacci explains a new study that finds electric trucks could be 50% cheaper than for diesel trucks by 2030, generating billions in savings and cutting harmful air pollution that disproportionately impacts low-income communities.