How To Create An Easier Path To Climate Goals Through Electric Vehicles

EI’s Amanda Myers outlines how California can help the rest of the U.S. deploy electric vehicles by overcoming charging barriers for low-income and disadvantaged communities.

Reaching Net Zero Emissions In Virginia Could Increase State GDP More Than $3.5 Billion Per Year

EI’s Silvio Marcacci says modeling shows a net zero policy pathway could increase Virginia’s GDP more than $3.5 billion per year by 2050.

Cut Carbon Emissions Everywhere (Starting With These Four Sectors)

EI’s Hal Harvey explains how we can meet the challenge of climate change with the same kind of major mobilization America has engaged in before, enacting strategic policies to decarbonize the grid while electrifying transportation, buildings, and industry.

Building Codes: A Powerful Yet Underused Climate Policy That Could Save Billions

EI’s Amanda Myers explains why building codes are a powerful tool for reducing building sector emissions, while helping drive economy-wide decarbonization, and highlights California’s upcoming opportunity to adopt an all-electric building code.

When Will Electricity Companies Finally Quit Natural Gas?

EI’s Mike O’Boyle outlines why utilities cannot build planned natural gas plants if they want to meet net zero goals and avoid financial risk.

How Utilities Can Avoid Being Financially Swamped by the Coal Closure Wave

EI’s Mike O’Boyle and Silvio Marcacci explain how securitized bonds can help clean energy resources overcome monopoly utility incentives to continue earning on uneconomic coal plants by paying down unrecovered coal plant balances at substantial consumer savings.

Why Electric Vehicles Will Likely Emerge As California’s Top Manufacturing Export In 2020

EI’s Chris Busch explains why electric vehicles are poised to be California’s top export in 2020, providing a case study in how smart clean energy policy can accelerate economic growth and job creation.

California Won’t Achieve Its New Zero-Emission Vehicle Goal Until Multi-Unit Dwellers Can Access Electric Vehicle Charging

EI’s Amanda Myers explains practical solutions for expanding access to electric vehicle charging for residents of multi-unit dwellings in California to achieve the state’s clean transportation, public health, and equity goals.

Plugging Abandoned Oil Wells Is One ‘Green New Deal’ Aspect Loved By Both Republicans And Democrats

EI’s Silvio Marcacci explains a bipartisan, cost-effective strategy that creates jobs for displaced workers while stemming methane emissions.

To Prevent Blackouts, California Needs More Clean Energy – And A Bigger, Better Run Grid

EI’s Sonia Aggarwal says renewables are not to blame for California blackout, but better planning, increased investment in clean energy, and a regional grid will improve reliability as weather extremes become the new normal.