Congressional Climate Crisis Action Plan Would Decarbonize U.S., Add $8 Trillion In Benefits By 2050

EI’s Megan Mahajan discusses modeling that finds the Select Committee’s Climate Crisis Action Plan will achieve net zero U.S. emissions and deliver $8 trillion in health and climate benefits by 2050.

California Accelerates Clean Transportation Policy, Targeting 500,000 Electric Trucks By 2040

EI’s Chris Busch explains why California’s proposed Advanced Clean Trucks rule could save up to $12 billion dollars, while delivering major public health and climate benefits to the state.

Electrification Can Supercharge California’s Post-COVID Economy

EI’s Hal Harvey says strengthening electrification policies can help California meet its climate goals while creating an additional $22 billion in economic and social benefits by 2030.

The Case For Climate Pragmatism: Saving The Earth Requires Realism Not Revolution

EI’s CEO Hal Harvey explains why a targeted, realistic strategy is the most effective and fastest way to reduce emissions.

Plunging Renewable Energy Prices Mean U.S. Can Hit 90% Clean Electricity By 2035 – At No Extra Cost

EI’s Silvio Marcacci explains how plunging wind, solar, and storage prices have fallen so fast that the United States can reach 90% clean electricity by 2035 with the support of smart policies.

Coronavirus To Cut U.S. Emissions 11% In 2020, But It’s No Climate Victory

EI’s Megan Mahajan says the coronavirus could cut U.S. emissions up to 11% in 2020, but they will rebound without a clean energy economic recovery.

COVID Shows Need For Clean Air And Cheap Energy. Utilities Can Get Both Via “All-Source Procurement.”

EI’s Amanda Myers highlights research showing how “all-source” procurement can help utilities cut costs and air pollution across the electricity grid.

The Western U.S. Has Some Of America’s Strongest Clean Energy Goals. It Needs More Grid Flexibility To Achieve Them.

EI’s Eric Gimon says Western states have some of America’s most ambitious clean energy goals, with multiple states targeting more than 50% by 2030, but will require much more grid flexibility in order to hit their climate targets.

Lead, Follow, Or Get Out Of The Way: East Coast States And Cities Accelerate On Decarbonization Pathway

EI’s Amanda Myers says East Coast states and cities are using smart decarbonization strategies to codify emissions reductions and accelerate the clean energy transformation.

Four Federal Policies Could Help Offshore Wind Jump Start Our Coronavirus Economic Recovery

EI’s Silvio Marcacci identifies four low-cost federal policies that could help offshore wind “jump start” America’s post-coronavirus economic recovery.