Could Success Spoil ISO-NE?
EI analysis is cited in a POWER Magazine article exploring how ISO-NE’s past success regionalizing New England’s grid could limit its future clean energy growth.
Utilities Grapple With Rooftop Solar And The New Energy Landscape
EI’s Mike O’Boyle is quoted in an article discussing rooftop solar’s role in helping utilities in some states begin to adapt to a new renewable energy paradigm.
Trump’s Climate Policy Legacy Will Be Making Disasters Like Harvey Worse
EI’s Silvio Marcacci suggests in The Hill that the Trump Administration’s policies will create a legacy of more disasters like Hurricane Harvey.
California’s Goal: An Electricity Grid Moving Only Clean Energy
A bill in California’s state legislature targets 100% renewables statewide by 2045. EI’s Mike O’Boyle is quoted in a Los Angeles Times article discussing the feasibility of a 100% renewable grid.
Resilience Or Flexibility? DOE’s Grid Report Lays Bare The Struggle Between Past And Future
In a Utility Dive editorial, EI’s Mike O’Boyle analyzes how the recent DOE grid report lays bare the struggle between past and future philosophies through a shifting focus to resilience, and outlines how the grid study’s recommendations could increase flexibility.
DOE’s Grid Reliability Study Is a Rorschach Test for the Future of Electricity
Analysis by EI’s Mike O’Boyle is featured in InsideClimate News’ coverage of the long-awaited DOE grid study and implications for the U.S. power mix.
Perry’s Grid Study Calls for Easing Pollution Rules on Power Plants
Analysis by EI’s Mike O’Boyle is featured in InsideClimate News’ coverage of the long-awaited DOE grid study and implications for the U.S. power mix.
California’s Cap-and-Trade Program Gets Boost From Sold-Out Auction
Analysis by EI’s Chris Busch is featured in a Morning Consult story about California’s record high 3rd quarter 2017 cap-and-trade auction results.
California Pollution Permits Sell At Highest Price Ever
Analysis by EI’s Chris Busch is featured in an Associated Press story about California’s record high 3rd quarter 2017 cap-and-trade auction results.
California Cap-And-Trade Program Gets A Shot In The Arm With Strong Permit Auction Results
Analysis by EI’s Chris Busch is featured in a Los Angeles Times story about California’s record high 3rd quarter 2017 cap-and-trade auction results.
Getting the Most Out of Vehicle Electrification for Both Customers and the Grid
EVs are on the path to becoming mainstream, thanks to strong policy support and rapid battery cost declines. The next key driver is the role utilities will play: If managed well, EVs are a massive opportunity for utilities to invest productive capital into the distribution system.
Nearly $1 Billion In Pollution Permits Fly Off Shelf In California Auction
Analysis by EI’s Chris Busch is featured in a Sacramento Bee story about California’s record high 3rd quarter 2017 cap-and-trade auction results.
California Auction Raises $640 Million for Greenhouse Gas Fund
Analysis by EI’s Chris Busch is featured in a Bloomberg BNA story about California’s record high 3rd quarter 2017 cap-and-trade auction results.
California Sees Strong Results From Cap-And-Trade Auction After Program Extension
Analysis by EI’s Chris Busch is featured in a Los Angeles Times story about California’s record high 3rd quarter 2017 cap-and-trade auction results.
Economy-Wide Gains, 9.5 Billion Tons HFC Emissions At Risk From U.S. Court of Appeals Ruling
A court decision vacating EPA’s rule to reduce HFCs could diminish the Obama Administration’s legacy, cost up to 9.5 billion metric tons avoided emissions, slow economic gains by U.S. companies and consumers, and block the U.S. from its climate action commitment under the UN’s Kigali Amendment.
Last Week’s, Remaining WCI Auctions Through 2020 To Sell Out, Analyst Predicts
Analysis by EI’s Chris Busch is featured in a Carbon Pulse article forecasting that all remaining California cap-and-trade auctions will sell out through 2020.
Technical Challenges Of The Eclipse
EI’s Mike O’Boyle talks technical challenges faced for grid operators during the solar eclipse and how energy storage plus markets will keep the lights on.
Trump Launches New Salvo To Speed Project Permitting
EI research is cited in Politico’s Morning Energy coverage of a U.S. Court of Appeals decision against an EPA rule to reduce HFC emissions.
Chilling Question: What’s Next On HFCs
EI research is cited in an Axios report on potential emissions-related impacts of a U.S. Court of Appeals decision against an EPA rule to reduce HFC emissions.
How To Decarbonize Indonesia And Achieve Low-Carbon Prosperity
Like many Southeast Asian countries, Indonesia must decide how to supply its fast-growing energy demand.A new quantitative tool, the Indonesia Energy Policy Simulator (EPS), can help policymakers explore various avenues to leapfrog high-carbon development through energy efficiency and clean energy