Are Electric Vehicle Charging Corridors The Best Way To Spend Volkswagen’s Dieselgate Billions?

EI’s Mike O’Boyle asks if electric vehicle charging corridors are the best way to spend billions flowing into U.S. EV infrastructure from Volkswagen’s Dieselgate settlement.

No One Wins In A War Over Ending Clean Car Policies

EI’s Chris Busch outlines what’s at stake for California’s economy, climate, and health in Trump’s attack on clean car standards.

Stronger Policies Can Help Canada Reach Its Paris Climate Goal, Save More Than $150 Billion Annually

EI analysis shows Canada will miss its goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions 30% below 2005 levels by 2030 under the Paris Climate Accord, by a significantly larger gap than the shortfall predicted by Canada’s government, even with its ambitious Pan-Canadian Framework.

Levelized Cost Of Energy For Wind And Solar Continue To Drop Below Fossil Fuels. What Barriers Remain For A Low-Carbon Grid?

EI’s Mike O’Boyle and Silvio Marcacci outline how renewable energy’s levelized cost of energy falling below fossil fuels make it the least-cost source of new generation, and the barriers remaining to a high-renewables grid.

Poland’s Path To Tackling Climate Change: 40% Fewer Emissions, $26 Billion Annual Savings by 2050

Poland is a lynchpin for European climate efforts and is at a crossroads between unprofitable domestic coal, Russian natural gas, and clean energy. New EI analysis shows choosing clean energy can cut Poland’s emissions 40% and save $26 billion by 2050.

Charging An Electric Vehicle Is Far Cleaner Than Driving On Gasoline, Everywhere In America

EI’s Silvio Marcacci says new research shows charging an electric vehicle in the U.S. is far cleaner than driving on gasoline, regardless of where it charges.

U.S. Utilities Want Carbon Pricing And Stable Policy. That’s Bad News For Trump’s Agenda.

An annual survey of North American utilities shows widespread support for carbon pricing and a nearly unanimous rejection of coal power – unwelcome news for the Trump Administration’s energy agenda.

Global Cooling Is On The Brink Of A Huge Economic Boom. Which Countries Will Tap The Opportunity?

EI’s Sonia Aggarwal says an economic boom is coming for the global cooling industry, with big implications for policymakers and companies setting the international energy and climate agenda.

A Gas Tax Hike Would Generate $840 Billion, Add 1.2 Million EVs, Cut 1.3 Billion Barrels Fuel Use

Research shows a $0.25 U.S. gas tax increase would raise $840 billion in revenue, add 1.2 million additional electric vehicles to the road, cut total fuel use more than 1.3 billion barrels and would equal a $29/ton carbon tax on the transportation sector.

Going In Reverse On Fuel Efficiency Will Ultimately Hurt Consumers

EI’s Hal Harvey writes that the Trump Administration reversing federal fuel efficiency targets would be a bad decision for U.S. automakers, consumers, and the climate – and it could spark “war” with California and 13 other states.