China’s All In On Electric Vehicles: Here’s How That Will Accelerate Sales In Other Nations.

EI’s Chris Busch explores how China’s expansion into the global electric vehicles market will accelerate EV sales in other nations by driving down prices and spurring manufacturing competition.

Electric Buses Can Save America’s Local Governments Billions: China’s Showing Us How It’s Done

EI’s Silvio Marcacci highlights the trend of America’s largest cities converting their bus fleets from diesel to electric buses because they could save billions in fuel costs, and says China may hold the key to electrifying U.S. bus fleets.

Tallying Up Winners and Losers From Trump’s Rollback of US GHG Emissions and Fuel Economy Standards

Former EPA official Margo Oge says despite businesses, consumers, and environmentalists warning the Trump Administration against overreach on clean car standards the winners and losers of Trump’s rollback haven’t been clear – until now.

America’s Utility Of The Future Forms Around Performance-Based Regulation

EI’s Sonia Aggarwal says America’s utility business model has changed but performance-based regulation is helping regulators and forward-looking utilities build an affordable, reliable, clean grid.

Is Offshore Wind About To Hit Cost-Competitiveness In New York And New England?

EI’s Mike O’Boyle says offshore wind may seem like a pricey option, but it’s actually an extremely valuable investment that’s about to reach cost-competitiveness in New York and New England, creating thousands of jobs along the way.

The Power Market Fix We’ve Been Waiting For

A contributor to America’s Power Plan outlines a new power market fix based on equally valuing flexible generation and efficiency resources across a grid.

Cars Are Ruining Our Cities

EI’s Hal Harvey and the New York Times’ Justin Gillis highlight the growing trend of cities taking back control of their streets from cars to cut traffic and make them more livable and prosperous.

This Untapped Market Could Add 320 Gigawatts Of New U.S. Residential Solar Energy

Ei’s Silvio Marcacci outlines a new NREL report that shows the untapped low-income solar market could represent 320GW potential new solar capacity across America.

Google And Apple Lead The Corporate Charge Toward 100% Renewable Energy

EI’s Silvio Marcacci says Google and Apple’s recent 100% renewable energy announcements are leading an international corporate trend spurring new wind and solar investment, opening up new power markets, cleaning up supply chains, and saving money.

How To Build A Foundation For New Utility Business Models

EI’s Mike O’Boyle discusses how utility regulatory reforms are becoming increasingly important for state policymakers, but regulatory processes can constrain the ability to design policies well.