Cars Are Ruining Our Cities
EI’s Hal Harvey and the New York Times’ Justin Gillis highlight the growing trend of cities taking back control of their streets from cars to cut traffic and make them more livable and prosperous.
Forbes Article Reveals 320 GW Of Untapped Solar Potential
EI’s Silvio Marcacci is quoted in an article discussing the untapped potential of low-income solar energy across the U.S.
Using Renewable Fuels Key to a Comfortable Future
EI’s Hal Harvey is quoted in an opinion article outlining why renewable energy is important to maintain a safe climate future.
This Untapped Market Could Add 320 Gigawatts Of New U.S. Residential Solar Energy
Ei’s Silvio Marcacci outlines a new NREL report that shows the untapped low-income solar market could represent 320GW potential new solar capacity across America.
FirstEnergy Emergency Request Could Be A Last Chance To Help Coal Power
EI’s Sonia Aggarwal is quoted in a story examining how FirstEnergy’s Section 202 request could impact coal power plants and the communities that depend on them.
Google And Apple Lead The Corporate Charge Toward 100% Renewable Energy
EI’s Silvio Marcacci says Google and Apple’s recent 100% renewable energy announcements are leading an international corporate trend spurring new wind and solar investment, opening up new power markets, cleaning up supply chains, and saving money.
PJM Files Competing Capacity Market Reforms At FERC
EI’s Robbie Orvis is quoted discussing competing proposals from PJM Interconnection to reform its capacity market at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
California Braces For Potential Ontario Departure From Market
EI’s Chris Busch is quoted in an article discussing potential implications of Ontario leaving the linked California-Quebec Western Climate Initiative carbon market.
How To Build A Foundation For New Utility Business Models
EI’s Mike O’Boyle discusses how utility regulatory reforms are becoming increasingly important for state policymakers, but regulatory processes can constrain the ability to design policies well.
Are Electric Vehicle Charging Corridors The Best Way To Spend Volkswagen’s Dieselgate Billions?
EI’s Mike O’Boyle asks if electric vehicle charging corridors are the best way to spend billions flowing into U.S. EV infrastructure from Volkswagen’s Dieselgate settlement.
Auto Alliance Pushed Climate Denial to Get Trump Admin To Abandon Obama Fuel Efficiency Standards
An article about the Trump Administration’s rollback of federal fuel efficiency targets cites EI’s analysis of new consumer costs and emissions that could result from the decision.
Putting Canada’s Climate Policy To The Test
EI’s Energy Policy Simulator is cited in an editorial evaluating Canada’s Pan-Canadian Framework to reduce emissions.
FirstEnergy Solutions Filed For Bankruptcy Late Saturday
EI’s research on potential consumer costs from the U.S. Department of Energy’s proposed cost-recovery rule for coal and nuclear plants is cited in an article about FirstEnergy’s bankruptcy.
No One Wins In A War Over Ending Clean Car Policies
EI’s Chris Busch outlines what’s at stake for California’s economy, climate, and health in Trump’s attack on clean car standards.
FirstEnergy Asks DOE For Emergency Coal, Nuclear Bailout
EI’s Mike O’Boyle is quoted in an article discussing utility FirstEnergy’s request for the U.S. DOE to invoke emergency powers to bailout its uneconomic coal and nuclear plants.
Stronger Policies Can Help Canada Reach Its Paris Climate Goal, Save More Than $150 Billion Annually
EI analysis shows Canada will miss its goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions 30% below 2005 levels by 2030 under the Paris Climate Accord, by a significantly larger gap than the shortfall predicted by Canada’s government, even with its ambitious Pan-Canadian Framework.
Canada Falling Well Short Of Promises — Report
EI’s analysis of Canada’s expected emissions reductions under current policies is featured in an article discussing the country’s progress toward its Paris Agreement commitment.
Canada’s Current Climate Policies Will Yield Paris Shortfall 4 Times Larger Than Govt Estimates
EI research is cited in an article discussing Canada’s progress toward emissions reductions outlined in the country’s 2030 Paris Agreement climate commitment.
Synergy Or Conflict? EVs And Solar
EI’s Mike O’Boyle and Eric Gimon are quoted in an article exploring whether electric vehicles and solar present synergies or conflicts with each other.
Public Utilities Commission of Ohio PowerForward: Ratemaking Perspectives
EI’s Sonia Aggarwal was a featured panelist on the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio’s PowerForward conference, discussing utility ratemaking perspectives.