Press Archive

Waiting To Address Climate Change Will Cost Trillions of Dollars

EI’s Megan Mahajan says to meet climate goals, it is imperative to start climate action today and quickly transition to electric vehicles and building components, because polluting equipment sold today will last for decades.

US Coal’s ‘Road To Extinction’ May Take Well Over A Decade Without Policy Push

EI’s Mike O’Boyle says because electricity markets are not always responsive to the economics of coal, policy could accelerate retirements by 2030.

What Biden’s ‘Climate Day’ Means For 100% Clean Electricity

EI report finds the infrastructure build-out to reach 90 percent clean electricity by 2035 would put about $1.7 trillion dollars in investment to use over the next 15 years, supporting about 530,000 more jobs each year, but requires a political transformation as much as a technical one.

Can Biden Get A 100% Clean Energy Bill Through Congress?

EI’s 2035 study shows systemic decarbonization of the electricity sector is feasible while keeping electricity reliable and affordable.

The New Biden climate Team – Like The Old Obama Climate Team

EI’s Sonia Aggarwal has been appointed senior adviser for climate policy and innovation for the Biden administration.

Biden Taps Climate Experts

EI’s Sonia Aggarwal, along with other experienced climate change experts, has been appointed to the new White House climate office, which will be headed by former EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy.

2021 Outlook: 10 Power Sector Trends To Watch

EI’s Mike O’Boyle shares power sector trends to watch in 2021 including the proposal for a Southeast Energy Market Exchange, resource adequacy planning challenges in California, and the continued financial impacts of COVID-19 on utilities.

The Energy Storage Boom Has Arrived

EI’s Eric Gimon says we are moving into a new era of big battery storage projects, and grid operators and regulators are still figuring out how this rapid change will affect electricity prices and the way various power producers work together.

Scenes From A World On Fire

EI’s Anand Gopal explains the clean energy transition cannot happen fast enough to avert the worst impacts of climate change without supportive policies.

The Oil And Gas Industry May Be Making A Bad Bet On Blue Hydrogen

EI’s Dan Esposito explains why the cost of renewable energy and electrolyzers is essential to green hydrogen’s future.

Up In Smoke

EI’s Anand Gopal explains the Biden administration can still meet the country’s climate targets without the Build Back Better Act, but it will much more difficult.

Even Coal Miners Want Build Back Better To Pass

EI’s Megan Mahajan explains the Build Back Better Act is the most ambitious climate legislation in U.S. history.

His Climate Agenda In Shamble, Biden Weighs Other Options

EI’s Anand Gopal explains the remaining emission reduction options the Biden administration has should the Build Back Better Act fail.

Compared With Climate Inaction, Build Back Better Is Downright Cheap

EI’s Megan Mahajan explains that policies that spur consumers to transition away from fossil fuels will save them money by eliminating their exposure to fuel price volatility.

Here’s What Biden Can Do On Climate Change Without Build Back Better

EI’s Anand Gopal explains the Biden administration can still meet its climate targets using executive actions, but the challenge will be much more difficult without the Build Back Better Act.

Biden’s Climate Thrown Into Doubt By Manchin’s Rejection Of ‘Build Back Better’ Bill

EI’s Anand Gopal explains the U.S. could still meet the Biden administration’s climate targets using executive actions, but it will be much harder without the Build Back Better Act’s policies.

What Biden’s $2-Trillion Spending Bill Could Mean For Climate Change

EI’s Robbie Orvis explains the large, critical emissions reductions the Build Back Better Act could spur along with corresponding rules and regulations.

Spiking Energy Prices Are A Preview Of An Energy Transition Gone Wrong

EI’s Sara Baldwin explains the best way to protect consumers against volatile fossil fuel prices is to electrify our buildings and transportation systems.

Solar and Crop Production Research Shows ‘Multi-Solving’ Climate Benefits

EI’s Sarah Spengeman explains the promise of agrivoltaics, the process of generating solar power in conjunction with agricultural practices.

Climate Actions In New Law Are Merely A Down Payment

EI’s Robbie Orvis explains the just-passed bipartisan infrastructure bill will only achieve real emission reductions if the Build Back Better Act is also passed.