Press Archive

To Prevent Blackouts, California Needs More Clean Energy – And A Bigger, Better Run Grid

EI’s Sonia Aggarwal says renewables are not to blame for California blackout, but better planning, increased investment in clean energy, and a regional grid will improve reliability as weather extremes become the new normal.

Legislature Poised To Study How Utilities Meet Energy Needs

EI report finds energy production competition in the Southeast would deliver 23 percent lower utility bills for customers as well as the quicker spread of renewable energy.

How To Reform California’s Inadequate Resource Adequacy Regime

EI’s Eric Gimon says as solar power continues to undercut gas in price, the current planning paradigm for resource adequacy will have to change to better account for greater integration of renewables.

Seven Policies To Tap U.S. Offshore Wind’s $166 Billion Economic Growth And Emissions Reduction Potential

EI’s Amanda Myers explains top policies to capitalize on the potential of offshore wind to stimulate billions of dollars in economic growth, create high-wage jobs, and achieve climate goals.

For lower-Cost Southeast Power, Double The Solar And Add Wholesale Power Trading

EI’s Mike O’Boyle says to achieve transparency, fairness and competition, a Southeast wholesale power market would need to be independent—not operated by the incumbent utilities, but an independent system operator.

To Rid The Grid Of Coal, The Southeast U.S. Needs A Competitive Wholesale Electricity Market

EI’s Sarah Spengeman explains how introducing a competitive wholesale electricity market for the Southeast would save $384 billion dollars, create 400,000 jobs, and reduce power sector emissions 37% as all uneconomic coal is retired and 149 GW of renewables are added to the grid by 2040.

Analysis Supports Competitive Southeast Power Market

EI’s Mike O’Boyle details the economic, emissions, and energy benefits of establishing a competitive Southeast power market.

Establishing A Southeast US RTO Could Save $384B By 2040, Report Finds

EI’s research on the economic benefits of establishing a Southeast US RTO are detailed in an article assessing the proposal’s potential.

13 Major climate change reports released so far in 2020

EI’s groundbreaking 90 percent clean electricity by 2035 report with UC Berkeley is one of this year’s most important climate reports, according to Yale Climate Connections.

Performance Incentive Mechanisms Can Support Broad Policy Goals, RMI Finds

EI’s Mike O’Boyle says new report from Rocky Mountain Institute, which reviews historical examples of PIMs and offers eight recommendations for improving their results, is an essential read for any public utility commission working on developing these incentive mechanisms.

Biden’s Climate Plan Shows Net Zero is Now Mainstream

EI’s Sonia Aggarwal explains how falling costs for clean energy technologies have dramatically changed the economics of the clean energy transition, generating growing consensus for net zero by 2050.

Plummeting Renewable Energy, Battery Prices Mean China Could Hit 62% Clean Power And Cut Costs 11% By 2030

EI’s Silvio Marcacci explains how plummeting renewable costs combined with smart policy design can achieve a low-carbon electricity future for the world’s largest emitter.

New Mexico’s Plan to Shut Down Coal Without Leaving People Behind

EI research shows municipal and cooperative utilities could exit 22.5 gigawatts of coal power in favor of solar by 2025 while saving money for their customers

Solar-For-Coal Swaps Could Turbocharge Clean Energy Revolution

EI’s Mike O’Boyle explains a new financial mechanism that enables publicly owned utilities to swap uneconomic coal assets for cleaner, cheaper solar power, while benefitting the local economy.

SoCalGas Goes to Court as Natural Gas Industry Nears ‘Moment of Reckoning’

EI’s Bruce Nilles says the fossil gas industry is alarmed by what it sees happening in state policy and has decided to dig in for a fight rather than take a more conciliatory approach.

What Can You Do To Fight The Climate Crisis?

EI’s Sonia Aggarwal says speaking in support of clean energy at public utility commission hearings is one of the most important actions individuals can take to fight the climate crisis.

Electric Co-ops Lead Growing Wave Of Early Coal Plant Retirements With ‘Solar-For-Coal Swaps’

EI’s Mike O’Boyle says solar for coal swaps will become increasingly attractive to municipal and cooperative utilities, as well as large corporate customers, as coal plants continue to be more expensive to operate.

‘Solar For Coal’ Swaps: A Financial Innovation That Could Accelerate The Carbon Transition

EI’s Mike O’Boyle explains how “Solar for Coal” Swaps could refinance 26 GW of existing uneconomic coal plants, using private capital to fund community-level investment for publicly-owned cooperative retail utilities, while supporting local economic development.

One Way to Retire Coal Plants: Buy Out the Owner

EI’s Mike O’Boyle says solar for coal swaps can offer publicly owned utilities a healthier balance sheet and cleaner, cheaper power for their customers.

Solar-For-Coal Swaps Emerging As New Tool For Retiring Coal In Energy Transition

EI has released a series of briefs amounting to a growing toolkit of regulatory and financial pathways toward transitioning away from uneconomic coal, including the new “Solar-for-Coal Swaps” research brief.