Climate Actions In New Law Are Merely A Down Payment

EI’s Robbie Orvis explains the just-passed bipartisan infrastructure bill will only achieve real emission reductions if the Build Back Better Act is also passed.

Democrats Return From Glasgow Bullish About Climate Action

EI modeling showed what a powerful emission reduction tool the Build Back Better Act’s Clean Electricity Performance Program could be.

Colorado Closer To Meeting Emission-Reduction Goals With 2021 Legislation, But Still Not There

EI’s Silvio Marcacci explains that Colorado has passed policies that will make significant progress toward its climate goals, but more work is needed to meet the state’s targets.

Rising Natural-Gas Prices Pose Hurdle For Methane Tax

EI’s Robbie Orvis explains the powerful emission reduction potential of the Build Back Better Act’s methane fee.

Joe Manchin, The Influential Democrat Blocking Climate Legislation

EI’s Robbie Orvis explains the U.S. is currently considering the most ambitious climate legislation in the country’s history.

West Virginia At Greater Risk For Climate Change Costs With Manchin Holding Out On Spending Plan

EI analysis finds ambitious but plausible emission reductions from the Build Back Better Act.

Doing The Math On Biden’s Climate Pledge

EI’s Robbie Orvis explains the Build Back Better Act’s climate policies will help us take a big step toward meeting the Biden’s Administration’s climate targets.

Sinema, Manchin Pump The Brakes On A Proposed Fee For Methane Emissions, The Second Largest Contributor To Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions

EI analysis finds the Build Back Better Act’s methane fee would dramatically reduce a powerful greenhouse gas while strengthening the U.S. economy.

Democrats Work To Salvage Methane Fee Amid Opposition From Manchin

EI’s analysis finds the Build Back Better Act’s methane fee would drastically cut greenhouse gas emissions, create jobs, and spur investment at a minimal cost for the oil and gas industry.

Would Russia Or China Help Us If We Were Invaded By Space Aliens

EI’s Hal Harvey explains how China has detailed plans to decarbonize, while the Biden administration has set strong climate targets that it’s currently working to meet.