When It Comes To Correcting Climate Change, Should Free Markets Or Government Take The Lead?

EI analysis finds meeting the Biden Administration’s climate targets $1.7 trillion in health and environmental damages.

Proposed Methane Fee Would Mark Major Development In U.S. Climate Policy

EI’s Jeff Rissman explains the Build Back Better Act’s methane fee is a straightforward policy with minor costs and major benefits for the U.S. economy, workers and the climate.

Democrats pinning climate hopes on revised methane fee

EI analysis finds the Build Back Better Act’s methane fee could cut 36 million cars’ worth of greenhouse gas pollution.

Electrify Everything

EI’s Sara Baldwin explains the importance of electrifying our buildings, transportation and industry in combatting the climate crisis.

Biden Deal Includes First-Time Fees On Super Pollutant Methane

EI’s research finds the Build Back Better Act’s methane fee would reduce greenhouse gas pollution, create jobs, and spur economic investment at a minimal cost for the oil and gas industry.

Biden’s Spending Bill Includes $555 Billion For Climate Measures

EI’s Robbie Orvis explains the powerful emissions reduction potential of the Build Back Better Act.

Biden’s Economic Plan Cuts U.S. Emissions By More Than A Gigaton

EI’s Robbie Orvis explains why the Build Back Better Act is transformational from a climate perspective.

Democrats Scramble To Salvage U.S. Methane Fee Proposal

EI’s analysis finds the Build Back Better Act’s methane fee would cut 36 million cars’ worth of greenhouse gas pollution.

Senators Weigh Future Of Methane Fee In Spending Bill

EI analysis finds the Build Back Better Act could be the most ambitious climate policy in U.S. history if passed.

Democrats Scramble To Salvage Climate Provisions In The Face Of Manchin’s Opposition

EI’s Anand Gopal explains the Build Back Better Act’s methane fee would be complimentary rather than duplicative of regulations under consideration at the Environmental Protection Agency.