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Science and Economics – Not Politics – Will Strand Fossil Fuels

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America’s post-election recalibration is nowhere as poignant, and consequential, as on climate change: If we lose the next four or eight years without serious action, the inexorable mathematics of carbon accumulation push a safe climate future far from reach. Fortunately, while President-Elect Trump may try reversing climate policy, other forces are reducing emissions without pause. Technology, economics, and state policy, will increasingly force fossil fuels to remain where they belong: in the ground.

Four Reasons Why 30% Wind and Solar are Technically no Big Deal

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Lower costs, enhanced capabilities, and an abundance of resources have set the United States and much of the world on track to increase renewable energy deployment and decrease carbon emissions from the energy sector. Still, the question of whether the U.S. can reliably and affordably integrate large amounts of wind and solar confronts policymakers – so we’re giving you four reasons 30% wind and solar is technically no big deal.

Trending Topics – How Utilities Can Become Efficiency Innovators

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With future federal clean energy policies in doubt, proactive clean energy policy will likely be left largely to states in the next few years. Fortunately, a New York policy proposal could show the way forward on energy efficiency for utilities. An outcome-oriented metric would focus on the policy goal of reduced energy use overall, putting a smaller emphasis on the administratively intensive business of attributing savings to specific actions.

Mexico Can Save $26 Billion Through its National Climate Plan

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Mexico was the first developing country to release its post-2020 national climate action plan, committing to reduce its emissions 22 percent by 2030 or up to 36 percent under certain conditions . New WRI analysis finds that it’s not only possible for Mexico to meet these goals, it’s economically beneficial—reducing emissions by 22 percent would save the country $26 billion between 2017 and 2030.

3 Questions With Hal Harvey on Why He’s a Climate Optimist

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Hal Harvey, who has a long history working in both the U.S. and China, feels that the two countries have an unwritten pact and historic opportunity to work together and lead on environmental issues. The Paulson Institute asked Harvey where he gets his optimism, what the United States and China can learn from each other when it comes to reducing energy use and emissions, and what he’s learned from being a juror for the Paulson Prize since 2013.

Trending Topics – Canadian Hydro: A Lifeline for Northeastern Clean Energy Goals?

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Land-constrained Northeastern states looking to decarbonize their electricity systems and maintain affordable, reliable electricity service have renewed interest in an old resource – imported Canadian hydroelectricity. Several projects underway across America, including a successful Minnesota model, show the Northeast how to overcome traditional siting challenges to access Canadian hydro.

21st Heinz Awards Honor Climate Change Visionary Hal Harvey for Strategic Leadership in Energy Policy and Innovation

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The Heinz Family Foundation today named Hal Harvey the recipient of the prestigious 21st Heinz Award in the Environment category. Harvey’s work in the United States, China and beyond presents results-driven solutions to dramatically reduce carbon emissions and energy waste.

Trending Topics – Financing Colorado’s Clean Energy Transition

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With such low wind and solar costs in Colorado, the question became: how can fossil plants that raise the cost of service to consumers be shut down or retired in favor of new wind and solar to support, rather than oppose the utility’s financial interests?

Trending Topics – Alternatives to conventional utility compensation can unlock untapped value

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Like any corporation, investor-owned electric utilities have a duty to maximize shareholder profits. But today, how utilities make money must change to adapt to new grid needs, customer demands, and technological realities.

8 Ways China is ‘Winning’ on Transportation

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Transportation systems represent a huge portion of public and private spending — to the tune of $1.2 to $1.4 trillion globally each year. And, in an era rocked by climate change and other disruptions, those systems must be able to weather all kinds of shocks — from fuel shortages to flooding. They must be, in a word, resilient. Here are eight ways China is taking the lead on resilient transportation