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New Analysis Shows Top Policies for Emissions Reduction in China

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Which climate and energy policies can most cost-effectively drive down China’s carbon emissions? On July 7th, China’s National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation (NCSC), China’s Energy Research Institute (ERI), and U.S.-based Energy Innovation will release the results of their joint research aiming to answer this very question.

Trending Topics – Poll shows widespread support for clean energy

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New York’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) initiative is transforming how utility stakeholders view the power sector’s future, but for the first time polling has revealed widespread support from consumers themselves. Evidence of strongly positive attitudes toward clean energy in general, and REV in particular, has major implications for utilities and regulators.

Trending Topics – Texas Regulators Save Customers Billions

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Texas’ cold winter and hot summer in 2011 triggered debate on how best to guarantee long-term grid reliability. In 2014, regulators decided against a standard forward capacity market for an energy-only market design. This decision has likely saved Texas consumers billions even as reliability improved, evidencing an energy transition driven by load reductions, incread renewables generation, and cheap natural gas.

Five Ways to a Flexible Grid

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Many argue that the Achilles Heel of renewable energy is variability. No modern economy can run without certainty that the light switch will turn on the lights. So, as ever more renewable energy enters the power system, utilities and their overseers must explore options for maintaining a grid that not only puts up with variability, but actually optimizes with it. There are five options to make the grid more flexible as renewables come to comprise a larger portion of California’s energy supply.

Trending Topics – Utilities in the Information Age: Moving from Construction to Optimization

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Distributed energy resources (DER) and better system awareness made possible by information technology have created massive new opportunities for utilities to minimize costs while optimizing the grid system around reliable, safe, and clean service.

Trending Topics – The transmission grid is getting ready, but will DERs come to the party?

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Independent System Operators have empowered aggregators of distributed energy resources (DERs) to sell services into the transmission grid through market mechanisms. But since the flow of electrons between DERs and the transmission grid is mediated by distribution utilities, simply opening the door for DERs to join the party only goes so far.

Green and Smart (5) – From “What’s the Price?” to “What’s the Score?”: The Effect of Mixed-Use Development

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Mixed-use development integrates compatible land uses to create an environment that encourages biking and walking and allows people to easily access key amenities. Politicians, academics, professional organizations, and civil society have been pushing for mixed-use.

Making Congested Cities More Livable: An Interview with Hal Harvey

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Last month, China’s State Council released urbanization guidelines to strengthen the management of urban planning and construction. Caijing magazine’s Xuan Zuo asked Energy Innovation CEO Hal Harvey for his thoughts on these guidelines and the future of China’s cities. Below are some highlights from Caijing’s interview with Harvey.

Trending Topics – How to manage large-scale change on the electricity system

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Change is constant for the electric utility industry and government regulators. New York State has been facing this change by “reforming the energy vision” (REV) – a far-reaching statewide energy policy initiative. REV demonstrates successfully managing large-scale change depends upon context, commitment, collaboration, and consultation.

Green and Smart (4) – Chengdu’s Yulin District: A District of Small Blocks

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Neighborhoods comprising small blocks will be important to promoting the diversity and organic nature of China’s cities in the future. Chengdu’s Yulin was developed spontaneously as a neighborhood made up of small blocks. The neighborhood hosts a variety of businesses, services, and community activities, and is a successful example of using small blocks to create economic vibrancy in a Chinese neighborhood.