Biden Just Banned Russia Oil Imports. Here’s How The United States Replaces That Supply

EI’s Silvio Marcacci explains the clean energy provisions in the Build Back Better Act would reduce U.S. oil and gas demand enough to offset Russian imports while protecting consumers from future price spikes.

Biden Just Banned Russia Oil Imports. Here’s How The United States Replaces That Supply

EI’s Silvio Marcacci explains that electrification efforts currently under consideration in Congress could more than offset U.S. imports of Russian oil.

Manchin’s Budget Offer Can Help America Fight Inflation And Climate Change

EI’s Mike O’Boyle explains why climate action can be a powerful tool to help fight inflation while saving money for American families and businesses.

Biden’s Clean Industry Policies Could Be Among Most Consequential U.S. Climate Actions

EI’s Jeff RiIssman says President Biden’s clean industry policy proposals could wind up being among the United States’ most consequential climate actions.

Transmission, Reliability, And Gas System Decarbonization Top Of Mind For State Utility Regulators In 2022

EI’s Michelle Solomon and Hadley Tallackson highlight top takeaways from the NARUC 2022 conference.

Without Mapping Tools, Environmental Justice Investments Could Be Just A Shot In The Dark

EI’s Michelle Solomon explains how mapping tools can play a critical role in ensuring a just clean energy transition.

Michigan 2050 Carbon Neutrality Goal Could Be An Economic Engine– If It Avoids A Rush To Gas

EI’s Silvio Marcacci explains that Michigan has set a carbon neutrality goal that’s one of the nation’s most ambitious targets. However, how the state chooses to implement its path forward has huge consequences.

Great River Energy Member Co-ops Should Say No To The Coal Creek Giveaway

EI’s Eric Gimon explains the choice facing Minnesotans to either expand access to cleaner, cheaper energy or continue an expensive boondoggle.

Three Ways Utilities Can Keep Pace With The Unprecedented Amounts Of Clean Power Coming Online

EI’s Mike O’Boyle explains how policymakers have a historic opportunity to rapidly deliver ubiquitous, cheap, clean energy for all by focusing on interconnecting renewables, improving utility regulatory models, and accelerating community transition and equity.

Dusting For ‘Fingerprints’ To Determine Humanity’s Climate Impacts

EI’s Greg Alvarez says extreme weather forensics can help determine climate change’s role in disasters to help engage public interest and actions.