China’s Emission Trading System Will Be The World’s Biggest Climate Policy. Here’s What Comes Next

EI’s Chris Busch explains that as the world’s largest greenhouse gas emitter, the success or failure of China’s emission trading system will help determine the future of climate change.

Congress Is At A Fork In The Road: Fuel Dictators And Climate Change, Or Help Americans Drive Electric

EI’s Anand Gopal explains that passing the electric vehicle provisions Congress is currently considering would help end our dependence on volatile foreign oil supplies and protect consumers from oil price spikes over the long-term.

Climate Science And Financial Risk: Forging A Path To More Climate-Resilient Businesses

EI’s Lana Vali explains that investors are keen to predict and better prepare for future climate-change risks. Yet, to reduce damages caused by climate impacts and make fully informed policy and financial decisions, they need to accurately value those risks.

Keeping The Momentum Towards Colorado’s Emissions Targets

EI’s Silvio Marcacci explains that Colorado is off to a strong start in setting strong climate targets, but more work is needed to ensure the state doesn’t fall behind.

Gas Utilities Are Promoting Hydrogen, But It Could Be A Dead End For Consumers And The Climate

EI’s Dan Esposito explains that utility proposals to blend hydrogen with natural gas in their existing distribution network could cost consumers money, increase air pollution and create safety risks while minimally reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Legislating For Climate Justice Starts With Listening

EI’s Sarah Spengeman explains that Illinois’s Climate and Equitable Jobs Act is a great example of transformative policymaking because the legislation was crafted through a genuinely inclusive process.

Oregon’s $4 Billion Economic Opportunity From Ambitious Climate Policy

EI’s Robbie Orvis explains the immense economic benefits Oregon would realize if it continues taking actions to remain a national climate policy leader.

So Much For Coal’s Rebound– Plant Closures Come Roaring Back. It’s Time To Unlock A Just Transition.

EI’s Silvio Marcacci explains that while coal rebounded in 2021, it was a temporary blip that has already started to reverse rather than the start of a long-term trend.

Biden’s $4.3 Billion Offshore Wind Lease Auction Shows A Once-In-A-Generation Economic Opportunity—But Only Commonsense Policies Can Seize The Potential.

EI’s Greg Alvarez explains why the Biden Administration’s recent record-setting offshore wind lease auction is a huge deal for the future of a much-needed clean energy source.

What Do Utility Companies Have To Say About Clean Energy Tax Credits?

EI’s Greg Alvarez explains why the clean energy tax credits in the Build Back Better Act have the potential to be transformative policies.