A Bigger Tent Delivers Stronger Wins for Climate: The Lesson From Illinois

EI’s Sarah Spengeman says Illinois’ Climate and Equitable Jobs Act is comprehensive climate legislation designed to advance racial equity and economic justice that other states should follow.

2022 Energy Predictions: Coal Decline Accelerates, Federal Funds Spur Clean Energy, Millions Of New Electric Vehicles And Chargers

EI’s Silvio Marcacci interviews five experts to predict 2022’s major energy stories including coal’s accelerating decline, federal investments expanding clean energy and the grid, and millions of new electric vehicles on U.S. roads.

Top 5 U.S. Electrification Policy Wins Of 2021: Federal Investment, Electric Vehicles, Building Electrification

EI’s Silvio Marcacci explains why 2021 was a big year for electrification progress in the U.S., a necessary step toward combating climate change.

Bold Action Fueled COP26’s Zero Emission Vehicles Declaration. Even Bolder Action Is Needed To Deploy Clean Cars Fast Enough To Save The Climate

EI’s Anand Gopal explains how smart policies helped kickstart the EV transition, and why we need further policies to kick it into overdrive.

Solar and Crop Production Research Shows ‘Multi-Solving’ Climate Benefits

EI’s Sarah Spengeman explains the promise of agrivoltaics, the process of generating solar power in conjunction with agricultural practices.

High Natural Gas Prices Make This The Time To Build Back Better– With Clean Electricity

EI’s Sara Baldwin explains why clean energy and climate action are not to blame for this winter’s high natural gas prices, and in fact, the Build Back Better Act’s electrification policies would protect consumers from future price shocks.

How Louisiana Can Become A Clean Industry Powerhouse

EI’s Olivia Ashmoore discusses new modeling that shows decarbonization policies would have strong benefits for Louisiana’s economy, public health, and environment.

Climate Action At Speed And Scale For Net-Zero By 2050: Q&A With Venture Capitalist John Doerr

EI’s Silvio Marcacci talks with venture capitalist and climate advocate John Doerr about his new book Speed & Scale, which examines what needs to be done to reach net-zero emissions by 2050.

Methane Fee In Build Back Better Act Would Add $250 Billion To U.S. Economy, Cut Dangerous Climate Pollution

EI’s Sarah Spengeman explains the Build Back Better Act’s methane fee would provide a significant economic jolt while dramatically reducing a potent greenhouse gas.

Infrastructure Bill Could Be Strongest-Ever U.S. Climate Action– If Congress Acts

EI’s Megan Mahajan explains why the current set of climate policies in the Build Back Better Act are unprecedented in U.S. federal policy.