Despite The Paris Agreement, CO2 Emissions Are Rising Again
EI’s Hal Harvey is quoted on policy solutions to reduce CO2 emissions in an article detailing data showing global emissions will rise in 2018.
Carbon Pricing Is Key To Fighting Climate Change-But It’s No Silver Bullet
This Designing Climate Solutions excerpt outlines how carbon pricing is one of the most effective ways to reduce emissions, but isn’t a silver bullet.
Mobility Insights From Lime, Clean-Energy Policies That Work
EI’s Hal Harvey discusses energy policies that can fight climate change and boost the economy in his new book Designing Climate Solutions.
We Have The Tech To Tackle Climate Change Now–Here Are The Next Steps
EI’s Hal Harvey discusses technology and policy to confront climate change in a review of his new book Designing Climate Solutions.
Blending Taxes And Cap-And-Trade Could Improve Carbon Pricing
EI’s Chris Busch suggests that a hybrid carbon pricing policy taking the best aspects of cap-and-trade and a carbon tax could be a bipartisan success.
A Carbon Pricing Idea: Policy Fusion
An opinion article by EI’s Chris Busch outlining hybrid carbon pricing policy is featured in Axios’ Generate morning email update.
New Microsoft Contract Could Expand Corporate Renewable Energy Deals To Smaller Buyers
EI’s Eric Gimon is quoted in an article discussing how Microsoft’s new renewable energy PPA may drive corporate renewable energy deals by smaller companies.
What Made Solar Panels So Cheap? Thank Government Policy.
EI’s Hal Harvey is quoted in an article discussing how U.S. government policy helped drive down the price of PV solar panel prices.
Was There A ‘Seismic Shift’ For Renewables? It’s Complicated
EI’s Hal Harvey is quoted in an article discussing how the 2018 midterm election will affect renewables deployment in the United States.
Is A Carbon Tax Part Of The Green New Deal?
EI’s Chris Busch discusses the economics of a carbon tax and how it drives emissions reductions in a story on the Green New Deal proposal.
Climate Change Policy Can Be Overwhelming. Here’s A Guide To The Policies That Work.
EI’s Hal Harvey discusses which policy solutions can slow climate change in a review of his new book Designing Climate Solutions.
Report Offers 10 Options To Preserve Utility Role Amid Clean Energy Transition
EI’s Mike O’Boyle is quoted in an article outlining how power utilities can maintain market share during the clean energy transition.
Designing Climate Solutions — #CleanTechnica Book Review
EI’s new book Designing Climate Solutions is profiled in an article outlining policy action to reduce emissions and slow climate change.
RMI Report Offers Vision Of Possible Utility Structures In Future
America’s Power Plan is mentioned in an article discussing potential utility business models of the future.
Report Shows New Utility Business Models Are Key To Energy Transition
EI’s Mike O’Boyle is quoted in an article discussing new research that shows how utility business model reform can expedite a clean energy transition.
Well-Designed Subsidies Boost Electric Vehicle Adoption
An excerpt from Energy Innovation’s new book Designing Climate Solutions discusses how well-designed electric vehicle subsidies can accelerate deployment.
A Year-End Update On Electricity Policy From The Field
EI’s Sonia Aggarwal provides a list of energy policy updates from 2017 and year-ahead predictions for 2018 by a group of experts from America’s Power Plan.
The 12 Biggest Changes Trump Has Made To U.S. Environmental Policy
EI analysis of consumer costs from DOE’s cost-recovery proposal for coal and nuclear generation is featured in a rundown of President Trump’s biggest environmental policy changes of 2017.
Coal And Nuclear Seeking Second Helping Of Subsidies
EI analysis of consumer costs from DOE’s cost-recovery proposal for coal and nuclear generation is featured in a column discussing outlooks for the two industries in 2018.
China Launches Cap-and-Trade Program To Cut Carbon Emissions
EI’s Hal Harvey is quoted in an article discussing China’s launch of a national cap-and-trade market.