New Year, New Energy
A 2018 energy outlook from EI’s Sonia Aggarwal is featured in a year-ahead preview from the Alliance for Clean Energy-New York
There’s A Glut Of Carbon Allowances. Is That A Big Deal?
EI research into carbon allowance oversupply in the California cap-and-trade market is featured in an article discussing debate over the market’s integrity.
Energy Markets, Not Coal Bailouts, Will Keep The East Coast Warm This Week
Analysis by EI’s Robbie Orvis is cited in an article discussing how power markets are ensuring reliability during the Polar Vortex, not coal subsidies.
California’s Carbon Cap Is Not In Jeopardy, Because It’s Not Really A Cap
EI’s analysis of carbon allowance oversupply in the California cap-and-trade market is examined in an article discussing the system’s structure and function.
Despite Efforts To Trip It Up, New Energy Economy Remains On Sound Footing
EI analysis of U.S. electricity sector economics and coal plant closures is cited in an article discussing renewable energy’s resilience.
How We Can Avoid Climate Disaster
EI’s Hal Harvey discusses climate policies that can prevent dangerous global warming in a review of his new book Designing Climate Policy.
Forget The Carbon Tax For Now
EI’s Hal Harvey is mentioned in an editorial discussing political opposition to carbon tax proposals and potential policy alternatives.
The 10 best climate and business books of 2018
Energy Innovation’s book Designing Climate Solutions is highlighted as one of the 10 best climate and business books of 2018.
A Blueprint For Saving Civilization
Energy Innovation’s book Designing Climate Solutions is called “systematic, thorough, and insightful” in a new review covering solar energy.
Poland’s Coal Addiction: Changing Its Energy Plan Could Cut Emissions 40%, Save $19 Billion Annually
EI’s Megan Mahajan outlines how shifting from coal to clean energy could cut Poland’s emissions 40% and save $19 billion annually by 2050.
Capacity Pricing Changes: How Each Power Market Plans To Account For Resource Adequacy
EI’s Robbie Orvis and Eric Gimon are quoted in an article outlining how each U.S. wholesale power market is changing capacity pricing.
As PacifiCorp And Other Analyses Point To More Coal Shutdowns, Replacement Questions Rise
EI’s Mike O’Boyle and Megan Mahajan are quoted about the implications of coal shutdowns in an article discussing energy economics.
There’s Wind In The Sales Of Off-Shore Property
EI’s Mike O’Boyle is quoted on the improving economics of offshore wind in a radio segment discussing a Massachusetts offshore lease.
Q&A: Smart Policy As The Key To A Clean Energy Economy
EI’s Hal Harvey highlights policies to build a clean energy economy in developing nations in a review of Designing Climate Solutions.
California’s Cap-And-Trade System May Be Too Weak To Do Its Job
EI’s Chris Busch is quoted in an article discussing how implementation of California’s cap-and-trade system may prevent it from reaching state climate goals.
Designing Climate Solutions
EI’s Robbie Interview discusses the book Designing Climate Solutions in an interview about policies that can prevent dangerous climate change.
Concrete Change: Making Cement Carbon-Negative
EI’s Jeff Rissman outlines how cement manufacturing could shift from 5.6% of global CO2 emissions to a net-negative emitter by expanding carbon capture.
Energy Policy Expert Reveals Why And How Oregon Should Do Cap And Trade
EI’s Hal Harvey discusses how Oregon should design its cap-and-trade program and outlines potential energy and economic benefits from the policy.
The Truth About These Climate Change Numbers
EI’s Hal Harvey is quoted on emissions reductions targets necessary to avoid dangerous climate change in an article discussing rising emissions in 2018.
PacifiCorp Shows 60% Of Its Coal Units Are Uneconomic
EI’s Mike O’Boyle is quoted in an article discussing U.S. power sector economics in light of PacifiCorp revealing 60% of its coal power plants are uneconomic.