How Alternative Meats Could Help Save The Planet
EI’s Anand Gopal explains how policies to scale alternative meats could reduce global greenhouse gas emissions by 8 metric gigatons per year and are key to achieving the Paris Agreement goals.
Megafires Push Forests To The Brink
EI’s Sarah Spengeman and AGCI’s Emily Jack-Scott explain new research showing how megafires are projected to result in the conversion of forest ecosystems and why forest management strategies must adapt to reduce the intensity of fires and better protect forests.
With the Clean Electricity Performance Program, Hickenlooper Can Deliver Major Benefits for Colorado
EI’s Dan Esposito explains the benefits of a Clean Electricity Performance Program for Colorado, including $15 billion in new clean energy investment through 2030.
Natural Gas Prices Are Rising. Here’s Why That Helps the Cleanest (and Dirtiest) Electricity Sources
EI’s Eric Gimon says wind farms and solar arrays can gain from higher gas prices if they are selling some of their output at market prices, but most of them are selling power at predetermined prices to utilities, corporations, or other buyers.
The Daily Climate Debate: How Easy Is It To Live A Green Lifestyle?
EI’s Bruce Nilles says we can’t solve climate change unless governments enact policies to make it easy and affordable for consumers to transition away from fossil fuels.
Building Electrification Could Recharge Our Economy – And Save The Climate
EI’s Sara Baldwin explains why the budget reconciliation bill Congress is now considering offers a historic opportunity to dramatically reduce emissions from our buildings, while improving home efficiency, cutting bills, and creating hundreds of thousands of new jobs.
Advancing The Energy Transition Requires An Honest Discussion Of Costs, Outages And Land, Analysts Say
EI’s Eric Gimon says reliability with high renewables penetrations will also be threatened without more resource flexibility and more resource locational and technological diversity.
Reconciliation Bill Would Slash Emissions. But By How Much?
EI’s Robbie Orvis says we should have better accounting of the provisions in any climate legislation, so we know what the emissions reductions are going to be and to make sure that we’re focusing our efforts on the things that are really going to reduce emissions.
New Law Sets End Dates For Fossil-Fuel Power Plants, But Illinois Coal Mining Remains A Huge Contributor To Climate-Changing Pollution
EI’s Bruce Nilles says Illinois is going through a remarkable transformation from a coal-driven state to one powered by prairie winds and long sunny days.
Biden’s Clean Energy, Net-Zero Goals ‘Not Feasible’ — Report
EI research with UC Berkeley found the U.S. could reach 90 percent carbon-free power by 2035, without straining the grid or raising costs for electricity consumers, and a separate review of 11 recent power-sector studies found that 80 percent of electricity could be decarbonized by 2030.
Major Utility Questions Biden’s Signature Climate Plan
EI’s Mike O’Boyle says modeling shows it is possible for utilities to increase clean electricity sales by 4 percent annually and that it’s important to include penalties to ensure utilities meet their commitments.
The Case That Power Can Get Very Clean Very Fast
EI’s meta-analysis explores 11 separate studies and finds agreement hitting 80 percent carbon-free power by 2030 can be done with very modest price effects.
Biden’s Solar Goals Hinge On Reconciliation Bill
EI’s Mike O’Boyle says a Clean Electricity Payment Program that provides incentives to go faster on renewables is key to achieving Biden’s goal of 40 percent solar power by 2035.
Report Outlines Path To 80 Percent Clean Power
EI’s Dan Esposito says a Clean Electricity Payment Program is a rare win-win for members of Congress across the political spectrum because these benefits aren’t occurring in one particular state, they’re occurring in every state.
Green For Grid
EI meta-analysis finds powering the U.S. electric grid with 80 percent zero-emissions resources by 2030 is possible at a minimum cost and could save thousands of lives as well as spur millions of new clean energy jobs.
U.S. Global Climate Promises Hang On Reconciliation Battle
EI’s Robbie Orvis says the upcoming reconciliation bill is the best way to move the climate policy that will make the most difference to cut emissions 45 percent by 2030, including the Clean Electricity Payment Program.
Fight Over ‘Peaker’ Plants Poses Grid Climate Test
EI’s Eric Gimon says CenterPoint Energy’s proposed peaker gas plants in Indiana could become stranded assets in 10 to 15 years.
The World’s Largest Container-Shipping Company Wants To Go Green
EI’s Jeff Rissman says achieving carbon-neutral shipping with ships that run on methanol requires that the process to make the methanol is also zero carbon.
More Transmission Or Local Solar? To Quickly Cut Emissions, We Need Both.
EI’s Sarah Spengeman interviews ACORE CEO Greg Wetstone to learn about the complementary roles of new transmission alongside distributed clean energy resources to accelerate grid decarbonization while boosting grid resilience.
China Doesn’t Need Another Coal Power Plant
EI’s Mike O’Boyle explains new research showing China does not need to build any of its planned new coal to provide reliability, but that the country can transition faster to clean energy without compromising reliability or affordability, even accounting for economic growth and widespread electrification.