Jeff Bezos, Here’s How To Give Away $10 Billion To Stop Climate Change
EI’s Hal Harvey discusses the policy implications of Jeff Bezos’ $10 billion climate change philanthropy fund announcement.
FERC Critics Cry Bailout By Another Name
EI’s Sonia Aggarwal discusses the impact of FERC’s pro-fossil fuel ruling in NYISO that could subsidize uneconomic coal plants.
Energy Innovation CEO Hal Harvey: Climate Solutions Are At Our Fingertips
EI’s Hal Harvey says climate solutions are proven, reliable, and ready to be implemented, especially in buildings, transportation, and the electrical grid.
State regulators need cyclical reviews to get the most out of utility performance incentive mechanisms: Report
Utility Dive covers EI’s and ACEEE’s new research on novel state approaches to utility performance incentive mechanisms to reduce energy demand.
Pathways To Net Zero Carbon Buildings In Reach Around The World Today
EI’s Sonia Aggarwal interviews Renilde Becque on what constitues net zero carbon buildings and the policy pathways that can encourage them around the world.
Major Ariz. utility vows to ditch coal and go carbon-free
EI’s Mike O’Boyle shares his opinion on Arizona utility APS announcement it will be carbon free by 2050, explaining the move reflects economics.
2020 Outlook: New state action on customer empowering rate designs and business models
EI’s Mike O’Boyle explains how state action will pave the way for new rate designs and utility business models in 2020, benefiting customers.
Renewable Sources Could Drive Strength in Energy Sector
EI’s Coal Cost Crossover finding that 74% of US coal was at risk from local renewables in 2018 is quoted as support an optimistic renewables forecast.
Clean Up Cars And Cement Industry To Reach California’s Climate Goals, Report Says
EI’s California EPS model is cited in an article discussing how cutting vehicle and industry emissions could help California reach its 2030 climate goal.
State Unlikely To Meet 2030 Emissions Goal — Report
EI’s California EPS model is cited in an article discussing how California is off track to reach its 2030 climate goal, but how policy tweaks could cover the gap.
California Could Meet Its 2030 Climate Goals — But It Would Mean Saving Money
EI’s Chris Busch is quoted in an article discussing how making California’s climate policies more stringent could help meet its 2030 emissions goal while saving billions.
California May Miss Emissions Target
EI’s California EPS model is cited in an article discussing how California is off track to reach its 2030 climate goal, but how policy tweaks could cover the gap.
California’s Behind On Its 2030 Climate Goals. What’s At Stake If It Doesn’t Catch Up?
EI’s Chris Busch is quoted in a story discussing how California is off track for its 2030 emissions reduction goal, and what that means for other states and countries.
Utilities Have Big Plans To Cut Emissions, But They’re Struggling To Shed Fossil Fuels
EI’s Mike O’Boyle discusses investment risks from natural gas investment in an article exploring net zero emission targets from different U.S. utilities.
Climate Solutions: Technologies To Slow Climate Change
EI’s Jeff Rissman discusses renewable hydrogen’s upside as a decarbonization technology option in an article exploring potential climate solutions.
A decade in review: the most underrated clean energy stories
EI’s Sonia Aggarwal says the decade’s most underrated clean energy story was plummeting wind and solar costs enabling the coal cost crossover.
The new infrastructure required to address climate change
Justin Gillis and EI’s Sonia Aggarwal estimate the infrastructure needed to clean up the US electricity grid and address climate change by 2030.
What Will It Take to Clean Up the Electric Grid?
Justin Gillis and EI’s Sonia Aggarwal break down what it will take to clean up the US electric grid and how it compares to past infrastructure buildout.
Life Under the Shadow of a Coal-Fired Power Plant
A deep dive into a Pakistan coal plant’s effects on its surroundings references EI’s coal cost crossover work and the global shift to cleaner resources.
Fukushima Reborn As Japan’s Wind And Solar Hub
A major wind and solar project will transform Fukushima into a renewables hub. EI’s Megan Mahajan explores how this fits into Japan’s energy future.