California Ushers In An Electrifying New Era In Trucks
EI report finds the clean trucks rule could save up to $12 billion by 2040 if electric truck battery costs decline as fast as those of electric cars.
I-5 Should Become A Central Artery for Electric Trucks, Study Says
EI’s Amanda Myers says charging station corridor plans are critical to support electric vehicle fleet conversion as California adopts new clean trucks rule.
Massachusetts Moves To Follow California, New York In Planning For Natural Gas Phaseout
EI’s Bruce Nilles says states must plan for fossil gas phaseout in order to meet their climate goals.
Sizing Up California’s Electric Trucking Plan
EI research finds proposed zero-emissions truck mandates in California would generate savings of $7.3 billion through 2040, and potentially over $12 billion based on lower battery cost assumptions.
‘Cheaper To Save The Climate’: UC Berkeley Study Finds Clean Energy Transition Possible By 2035
EI’s Silvio Marcacci explains why policy is necessary to deliver on the promise of 90% clean electricity by 2035.
The Path To 90% Clean Energy By 2035 With No Cost Increase
EI’s companion report takes a deeper look at the policies that would help bring about the 90% by 2035 scenario.
My Climate Journey, with Sonia Aggarwal
The podcast My Climate Journey interviews Sonia Aggarwal about her work to accelerate clean energy and the launch of Energy Innovation.
Decarbonizing Global Industry, With Jeffrey Rissman
EI’s Jeffrey Rissman discusses strategies, technologies, and policies for decarbonizing global industry in a Resources for the Future podcast.
In Ohio’s Coal Country, Pandemic Pushes Unemployment Rate From Bad To Worse
EI’s Coal Cost Crossover report is cited in an article discussing how COVID has slowed the economy in Ohio’s coal country.
One Big Thing: Pandemic Shatters The Crystal Ball
EI’s Megan Mahajan explains how the COVID pandemic has made short-term energy policy modeling more difficult, but why long-term energy policy modeling should remain accurate.
There’s A Lot Less Pollution But Climate Change Is Still Getting Worse
EI’s Megan Mahajan says continued reliance on fossil fuels means pollution will rebound after the COVID pandemic unless policymakers start a green recovery.
The Post-Coronavirus Emissions Bounce Back
EI’s Megan Mahajan says the coronavirus emissions reduction provides an opportunity to accelerate decarbonization through policy and green stimulus.
Ohio Policies Cushion The Pandemic’s Impact On Electric Utilities
EI’s Sonia Aggarwal details how favorable revenue policies have cushioned the COVID pandemic’s impact on Ohio’s investor-owned utilities.
U.S. Emissions May See Record Decline in 2020, Study Says
EI’s Megan Mahajan says COVID-related emissions declines aren’t a climate solution without decarbonization policies and green recovery investments.
When Will Renewables Pass Coal? Sooner Than Anyone Thought.
EI’s Mike O’Boyle explains how faster-than-expected coal retirements due to COVID could put the U.S. on a pathway to net zero emissions by adding renewable energy.
Why Big Oil May Not Recover From The Pandemic
EI’s Joe Ryan discusses how transportation demand destruction could mean Big Oil won’t recover financially from the COVID pandemic.
CO2 Emissions Will Drop By A Record 2.6 Billion Tons This Year, Thanks To The Coronavirus
EI’s Robbie Orvis is quoted in an article discussing global CO2 emissions reductions in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Solar Beats Gas When Utilities Use All-Source Procurements
EI’s Silvio Marcacci discusses states that could improve utility procurement in an article on the financial benefits of all-source procurement.
Report: Natural Gas Is A Loser For Long-Term Utility Shareholder Value
EI’s Mike O’Boyle discusses the stranded asset risks of utility investments in natural gas infrastructure in an article on shareholder risks from fossil fuel generation.
Increasing Renewables And DER Demand New Reliability Approach, But California Is Falling Short, Groups Say
EI’s Sonia Aggarwal and Eric Gimon discuss how increasing resource adequacy on the grid can help integrate rising amounts of renewable energy generation.