One State Generates Much, Much More Renewable Energy Than Any Other–And It’s Not California
EI’s Eric Gimon explains that Texas has the best combination of wind and solar resources in the country.
Carbon Capture, A Federal Spending Target, Has Much To Prove
EI’s Jeff Rissman explains carbon capture and storage is only useful as a tool to decarbonize the industrial sector, and it’s an unhelpful distraction for the power sector.
Electric Vehicles Are Shattering The Barrier To Adoption That Could Matter Most
EI’s Robbie Orvis explains most electric vehicles are cheaper to own and operate on a monthly basis than their gasoline counterparts.
Retiring 90% Of Our Coal Power Plants Would Save Money
EI’s Michelle Solomon explains it’s more cost-effective to build new local wind, solar, and storage than it is to continue operating 99 percent of U.S. coal plants.
Do Heat Pumps Work In Cold Places? Here’s What You Need To Know
EI’s Dan Esposito explains his heat pump helped him save money during the winter in his Denver home.
Who Will Maryland’s Governor Nominate Next For A Crucial Climate Role?
EI’s Robbie Orvis explains the key role public utility commissioners play and they’ll determine a large portion of the Inflation Reduction Act’s success or failure.
Achieving Climate Goals In Minnesota, Michigan, And Wisconsin
EI’s Olivia Ashmoore explains five key policies are key to any state decarbonization effort, no matter a state’s emissions profile.
Accelerating Clean Energy In China: Q+A With Expert Jiang Lin
EI’s Mike O’Boyle looks at what can be done to speed up the clean energy transition in the world’s largest emitter.
Here’s How To Get Paid To Upgrade Your Home
EI’s Sara Baldwin explains the tax credits in the Inflation Reduction Act are scheduled so homeowners can undertake efficiency and electrification projects over time, rather than having to do them all at once.
Stunning New Data On The Economics Of U.S. Coal Vs. Renewables
EI’s Mike O’Boyle explains that even though coal is essentially uncompetitive economically across the board in the U.S., further policy action is needed to accelerate the clean energy transition.
When Is Hydrogen ‘Clean’?
EI’s Eric Gimon explains the potential opportunities and risks as hydrogen matures as a fuel source.
Clean Cars Victory Will Push Va. Forward
EI’s Dan O’Brien explains Virginia’s strong transportation emissions standards will create cleaner air, improve public health, and save households money.
Amid High Energy Prices, SCE VP, Other Experts Push To Reduce California’s Reliance On Natural Gas
EI’s Eric Gimon explains improving California’s electric and gas demand flexibility will help the state decarbonize and limit ratepayer exposure to high natural gas prices.
Small Nuclear Reactors Could Help Recharge Heavy-Duty EVs
EI’s Eric Gimon explains small module nuclear reactors are likely a technology developing too slowly to help charge electric semi-trucks.
U.S. Coal Power Refuses To Die. What That Means For Climate
EI’s Mike O’Boyle explains it’s more economical to build new local wind, solar, and storage than it is to continue running 99 percent of the country’s remaining coal plants.
To Slash Emissions, States Must Pass These Five Policies
EI’s Robbie Orvis explains no matter a state’s emissions profile, five core policies form the basis for any serious decarbonization effort.
The U.S. Clean Energy Boom: What Might Stop It?
EI’s Robbie Orvis outlines obstacles that could prevent the expected Inflation Reduction Act clean energy investment influx from occurring.
Renewables Would Provide Cheaper Energy Than 99% of U.S. Coal Plants And Catalyze A Just Energy Transition
EI’s Michelle Solomon and Mike O’Boyle explain replacing virtually every remaining U.S. coal plants with local wind, solar, and storage is more cost effective than continuing to run them.
Five Powerhouse Climate Policies Can Rapidly Slash Emissions And Strengthen The Economy In Any State
EI’s Sarah Spengeman explains no matter a state’s unique emissions profile, five core policies are the foundation of cutting emissions and boosting the economy across all 48 contiguous states.
Switch To Clean Energy And Bring $15 Billion To Utah’s Coal Communities
EI’s Sara Baldwin explains that building new local wind, solar, and storage is cheaper than continuing to run Utah’s remaining coal plants, and doing so will create jobs and investment opportunities in coal communities.