EPA: Climate Law– Not Power Plant Rules– Will Reshape Grid
EI’s Mike O’Boyle explains the Inflation Reduction Act offers utilities carrots to switch to clean energy and new EPA regulations are sticks to ensure utilities take advantage of those carrots.
4 Energy Issues To Watch With EPA’s Power Plant Rule
EI’s Mike O’Boyle explains the Department of Treasury’s rules on the 45V hydrogen tax credit are even more important now that new EPA rules could lead to greater hydrogen usage in electricity generation.
Old Lumber Port Preps For New Life As California Offshore Wind Hub
EI’s Michelle Solomon explains many of the technical challenges to scaling California offshore wind have been tackled– now it’s about getting the industry up and running.
The IRS’s Coming 45V Tax Credit Rules Can Build A Domestic Clean Hydrogen Industry– But Only If Done Right
EI’s Dan Esposito explains the way the Treasury Department designs hydrogen tax credit rules will determine if they’re a useful tool to combat climate change, or if they’ll actually increase emissions.
How Washington Underestimated Biden’s Big Climate Law
EI’s Anand Gopal explains the heavy interest in the Inflation Reduction Act’s battery manufacturing credit and how it’s spurring a new manufacturing industry in the Southeast.
The Problem With Green Hydrogen
EI’s Dan Esposito explains there are safety limits to how much hydrogen can be blended in natural gas pipelines, and because of that, the climate benefits of using hydrogen may be small.
America’s Green Industrial Strategy 2.0
EI’s Sonia Aggarwal explains what’s new about the Biden administration’s green industrial strategy compared to the one pursued during the Obama years.
The Nuclear-Hydrogen Conundrum
EI’s Dan Esposito explains if hydrogen tax credits aren’t designed correctly, it could result in nuclear reactors diverting carbon-free electricity from the grid to produce hydrogen, with fossil fuel plants running more to fill the gap.
EPA Won’t Require Carbon Capture At All Power Plants– Sources
EI’s Mike O’Boyle explains utilities will have options to meet new emissions standards beyond using carbon capture and storage, which makes sense since there’s little track record of that technology being used in the U.S. today.
How To Understand The U.S. Battle Over Hydrogen Tax Credits
EI’s Dan Esposito explains using existing renewables to produce green hydrogen could draw that clean energy away from the grid and actually increase fossil fuel use.
Green Hydrogen Production Can Be Profitable In Much Of The U.S.
EI research finds green hydrogen can be economically produced in parts of the country with strong wind and solar resources.
Electric Vehicles Could Make Up 66 Percent Of New Car Sales By 2035 With California’s Lead
EI research finds if other states adopted California’s latest Advanced Clean Cars II rule it would create major economic, public health, and climate benefits.
Why The Food System Is The Next Frontier In Climate Action
EI’s Dan O’Brien explains shifting to a more plant-forward diet in rich nations is essential to meeting our climate targets.
More Than 100 NJ Health Professionals Urge Faster Adoption Of Advanced Clean Cars II Rule
EI research finds if other states adopted California’s latest clean cars rule it would result in major economic, public health and climate benefits.
Letting U.S. Green Hydrogen Use Existing Renewables ‘Could Increase Emissions By Factor Of Five’
EI’s Dan Esposito details how loose federal guidance on the 45V hydrogen tax credit could increase emissions even if using renewable energy.
Treasury Is Urged To Tighten Definition Of ‘Green’ Hydrogen
EI’s Dan Esposito says Treasury Department guidance could ensure the 45V clean hydrogen production tax credit could ensure green hydrogen growth.
Morning Energy: Biden’s Tailpipe Rule Gambit
EI’s Dan Esposito says loose 45V production tax credit rules could slow green hydrogen’s industry growth instead of accelerating it.
EVs Just Got A Big Boost. We’re Going To Need A Lot More Chargers
EI’s Robbie Orvis and Dan O’Brien explain a lot of infrastructure, from public to home charging, needs to be worked out in order to successfully scale electric vehicle adoption.
California’s Clean Cars Rule Would Deliver Jobs, Household Savings In Other States
EI’s Dan O’Brien and Rachel Goldstein detail how California’s Clean Cars rule could transform the U.S. auto market through adoption in 16 other states.
Seventeen States Could Accelerate U.S. Electric Vehicle Sales To 75% By 2050
EI’s Robbie Orvis says new modeling shows electric vehicles could accelerate to 75% of all US cars on the road by 2050 if the “Section 177” states follow California’s Advanced Clean Cars II rule.