Texas: A Model For Sustainable Energy Development
New renewable projects are more cost-effective than existing coal power plants, and Texas has the opportunity to capitalize on their wind and solar energy production.
Green Takes Aim At EEI
EI’s 2035 and Beyond Offshore Wind Report finds that the U.S. has the capacity to produce 4,000 gigawatts of power from offshore wind per year.
As U.S. Lags EU And China In Offshore Wind Energy Ambition, Study Examines Full Potential; NY Could Be Key
EI research shows that the U.S. has the potential to multiply its offshore wind generation by more than 11-fold by 2050
Offshore Wind: An Economic And Energy Solution For California
EI’s Offshore Wind Report found that if California capitalizes on their offshore wind potential, they could generate enough power by 2045 to supply 25 million homes.
Investing In Clean Energy Will Benefit Communities And The Climate
EI research and analysis finds that by 2030, the IRA could reduce emissions 40% below 2005 levels and advance U.S. climate goals
An Overheating Planet Requires Extreme Climate Solutions
EI’s research has found that all but one of the U.S.’s remaining coal plants are more expensive to operate than if they were replaced with renewable energy storage.
Small-town GOP Officials Are Torn Over Biden’s Clean Energy Cash
EI’s Jack Conness tracks the development funds to rural areas and finds that 70% of clean energy investments are designated for Republican counties.
Does A ‘Just Right’ Scenario For An EV Transition Exist?
EI’s Sara Baldwin discusses how the Inflation Reduction Act’s consumer and manufacturing tax credits can speed up EV transition in the auto industry.
Commentary: Policymakers’ Climate Decisions Are Endangering Virginia’s Future
EI’s Dan O’Brien discusses how policymakers are endangering the homes, lives, and economy in Virginia.
Renewables And Storage Got Texas’ Grid Through This Heat Wave. But The State Legislature Still Hasn’t Fixed Its Underlying Problems
EI’s Greg Alvarez discusses how the Texas legislators ignored the opportunity to analyze customer-side electricity solutions.
New Study Reveals A Startling Fact About America’s Coal-Based Power Plants
EI’s Coal Cost Crossover 3.0 found that the cost of operating existing coal power plants in the U.S. continues to increase, but the jobs, energy generation, mining all decrease.
State Officials, Suppliers Embrace EPA’s Light-Duty Vehicle Proposal
Doug Obey cite’s Energy Innovation’s Inflation Reduction Act modeling and suggestions that the EPA should adopt ‘Alternative 1.’
After The Longest Walkout In Oregon’s History, The State’s Climate Progress Hangs In The Balance.
The findings from EI’s Oregon Global Warming Commission and Oregon Energy Policy Simulator suggest that Oregon is falling short of their emission reduction targets.
Full Industrial Electrification Could More Than Double U.S. Power Demand. Here’s How Renewables Can Meet It
EI’s Eric Gimon explains the falling cost of renewables and technological advancement mean we can electrify industrial processes while making the grid more reliable.
Hydrogen Production Guidelines Prompt Fierce Debate
EI’s Dan Esposito explains hydrogen production can actually increase greenhouse gas emissions if it’s pulling clean energy from the electric grid rather than from new clean energy projects.
How Dueling PDFs Explain A Fight Over The Future Of The Grid
EI’s Eric Gimon explains encouraging competition makes sense as we look to modernize the electric grid and save consumers money.
Biden Officials Warned EPA About Dirty Hydrogen
EI’s Dan Esposito explains hydrogen is a more useful decarbonization tool in sectors like steel production than it is for the power sector, so rules governing hydrogen for electricity production must be stringent.
Dear Congress: Don’t Repeal Clean Energy Tax Credits Worth Hundreds Of Billions To Red And Purple States
EI’s Silvio Marcacci explains many of the Inflation Reduction Act tax credits at the center of debt ceiling negotiations would bring massive job and economic benefits to red and purple states.
New Technologies Can Stop Fossil Fuels’ Financial Rollercoaster. But We Must Ensure Everyone Has Access To Them
EI’s Greg Alvarez explains fossil fuels present an inherent risk to the economy, but new technologies like electric vehicles and heat pumps are letting us decouple from fossil fuels.
Two States Are Ramping Up Clean Energy Incentives. That Was The Inflation Reduction Act’s Point
EI’s Mike O’Boyle explains that even though clean energy is now the most affordable option, state action is still often necessary to compel utilities to invest in it.