Utilities Hyping Hydrogen’s Promise Risk Hitting ‘Dead Ends’ In Climate Fight
EI’ Sara Baldwin explains that direct electrification of homes and buildings is the most straightforward way to decarbonize the building sector, save consumers money, and improve public health, rather than deploying utility hydrogen blending proposals.
Gas Utilities Are Promoting Hydrogen, But It Could Be A Dead End For Consumers And The Climate
EI’s Dan Esposito explains that utility proposals to blend hydrogen with natural gas in their existing distribution network could cost consumers money, increase air pollution and create safety risks while minimally reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
The Hydrogen Bombshell
EI research finds that hydrogen is not an effective solution to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from buildings, and blending it with natural gas can increase air pollution, consumer costs, and safety risks.
How To Defeat Putin And Save The Planet
EI’s Hal Harvey explains that clean energy is now cheaper than polluting sources, and speeding up the clean energy transition will make the U.S. less beholden to petro-state dictators.
Can Biden Expand Gas And Zero Out Emisions?
EI’s Jeff Rissman explains that a new agreement between the U.S. and the European Union to deliver liquified natural gas contains much ambiguity when it comes to impacts on global greenhouse gas emissions.
Legislating For Climate Justice Starts With Listening
EI’s Sarah Spengeman explains that Illinois’s Climate and Equitable Jobs Act is a great example of transformative policymaking because the legislation was crafted through a genuinely inclusive process.
EPA Eyes New Rule For Gas-Fired Power Plants
EI’s Mike O’Boyle explains why hydrogen isn’t a silver-bullet solution for carbon-free electricity.
Oregon’s $4 Billion Economic Opportunity From Ambitious Climate Policy
EI’s Robbie Orvis explains the immense economic benefits Oregon would realize if it continues taking actions to remain a national climate policy leader.
Coal’s Comeback Is Greatly Exaggerated
EI’s Silvio Marcacci explains why increased coal output in 2021 is an outlier rather than a reversal of the fuel’s steep decline.
Biden’s $4.3 Billion Offshore Wind Lease Auction Shows A Once-In-A-Generation Economic Opportunity—But Only Commonsense Policies Can Seize The Potential.
EI’s Greg Alvarez explains why the Biden Administration’s recent record-setting offshore wind lease auction is a huge deal for the future of a much-needed clean energy source.
‘Defining Moment’: How Can The U.S. End Its Dependency On Fossil Fuels?
EI’s Robbie Orvis explains support for wind, solar and electric cars would cut U.S. oil demand enough to offset Russian imports.
3 Ways The U.S. Can Replace Its Russian Oil Imports At The Pump
EI analysis finds tax credits proposed in the Build Back Better Act would reduce oil demand enough to replace half of Russian imports by 2025, and entirely eclipse Russian oil imports by 2027.
What The Bans On Russian Fossil Fuels Actually Mean
EI’s Robbie Orvis explains the only way to protect U.S. consumers from future fossil fuel volatility is to reduce demand, not increase the supply of domestic oil.
As War Rages, A Struggle To Balance Energy Crunch And Climate Crisis
EI analysis finds the Build Back Better Act’s electric vehicle provisions could cut U.S. oil consumption by 180 million barrels per year by 2030, more than double what the nation imported from Russia last year.
Biden Taps Head Of The EPA’s Air Office. Expect A Tough Confirmation Fight
EI’s Robbie Orvis explains the best way to bridge the shortfall resulting from the ban on Russian oil is to decrease demand, not increase supply.
What Do Utility Companies Have To Say About Clean Energy Tax Credits?
EI’s Greg Alvarez explains why the clean energy tax credits in the Build Back Better Act have the potential to be transformative policies.
Biden’s Climate Change Agenda Would Reduce Oil Demand Enough To Replace Russian Imports: Study
EI’s Robbie Orvis explains the only robust, long-term way to be energy secure is to eliminate demand for fossil fuels.
Biden’s Oil Dilemma
EI’s Robbie Orvis explains the Build Back Better Act’s incentives for zero-emission vehicles and provisions to reduce natural gas usage would help mitigate reliance on Russian oil and gas imports.
Biden Just Banned Russia Oil Imports. Here’s How The United States Replaces That Supply
EI’s Silvio Marcacci explains the clean energy provisions in the Build Back Better Act would reduce U.S. oil and gas demand enough to offset Russian imports while protecting consumers from future price spikes.
Biden Just Banned Russia Oil Imports. Here’s How The United States Replaces That Supply
EI’s Silvio Marcacci explains that electrification efforts currently under consideration in Congress could more than offset U.S. imports of Russian oil.